Strategic Balance Sheet Management: Mastering ALM, IRRBB, and Liquidity Risk
Course to improve investment and financing decision-making in financial institutions as well as to measure and manage the structural risks of the balance sheet, such as interest rate risk, exchange rate risk and liquidity. The COVID-19 crisis will force entities to rethink strategies in the short and medium term, to review contingency plans, to optimize cash positions, to create new deposit models with defined maturities and, if possible, to monitor in real time. deposits, credit lines and collaterals.
Another big challenge for the banks' ALM department is the implementation of the Libor transition and the complex creation of the yield curve to value interest rate derivative positions and asset and liability positions. Therefore, the course addresses the following points:
Address good practices to mitigate and measure the impact of COVID-19 on ALM.
Show the most recent methodologies, strategies and techniques to manage and quantify the structural risks of a bank's Balance Sheet.
The recent Basel IV standard approach guidelines for measuring interest rate risk in the banking book (IRRBB) and the requirements for an internal model have been included.
Explanation of the impact and implementation of the Libor transition.
Tools to create the yield curve with the new reference rates, SOFR in the US and €STER in the EU.
Methodologies to measure interest risk are explained, and mitigate it through micro and macro hedges with futures and options.
Methodologies to estimate the Economic Value EVE, NII, NIM and EAR are shown. Best practices for implementing both a dynamic repricing GAP and a cap system are explained.
The Structural VAR of the exchange rate and variable income in the field of the banking book is explained.
Models of prepayment behavior, indefinite maturity deposits and withdrawals of lines of credit are taught under the new post-COVID-19 normality.
Liquidity risk management and measurement methodologies are exposed. In addition, Basel III regulatory requirements on liquidity and leverage are included.
The optimization of balance sheet positions under post-COVID-19 scenarios is explained in detail.
The main FTP and LFTP price transfer systems are explained in detail.
The integration of ICAAP and ILAAP is explained.
Stress testing models of interest risk and liquidity risk are shown.
The Course is aimed at ALM professionals, CFOs, Risk managers, Treasurers, analysts, pension fund managers, auditors, controllers, regulators and compliance staff.

Price: 7.900 €
Europe: Mon-Fri, CEST 16-20 h
America: Mon-Fri, CDT 18-21 h
Asia: Mon-Fri, IST 18-21 h
Summer Price: 5.900 €
Jun 1 - 31 Aug

Level: Advanced

Duration: 30 h

Presentations PDF
Exercises in R, Python, SAS and Excel

Strategic Balance Sheet Management:
Mastering ALM, IRRBB, and Liquidity Risk
Module 1: Transition from LIBOR to Reference Replacement Rates
The disappearance of Libor / Ibor
Libor manipulation
RFRs, or risk-free ratios
Existing Libor Indices and Proposed Alternative Indices
ESTER (‘Euro short-term rate’)
Hybrid Euribor
SOFR (‘Secured overnight financing rate’)
Effective Federal Funding Rate
Spread between EONIA and ESTER
transition phases
financial impacts
ISDA protocol
Changes in risk factors: yield curve and volatility
OTC derivatives pricing
CCP Trades
Impact on xVAs
FVA analysis
Impact of financial instruments
Impact on interest rate derivatives: caps, floors and swaptions
New calibration models
Management of possible interest rate, market and counterparty risks
Impact on IFRS 9: hedging accounting
Volatility in the income statement
Impact of COVID-19 on the Libor transition
Module 2: Interest rate risk in the Banking Book in Basel IV
Definition of IRRBB
Risk subtypes:
Gap Risk
Basis Risk
Option Risk
Credit Spread Risk in the Banking Book
Economic Value and income-based measures
IRRBB principles
Principles for banks
Risk management methodology
limits policy
Definition of Economic Value, dynamic vision
Interest rate shocks and stress scenarios.
behavior models
Deposits without defined expiration
Measurement systems
data integrity
Governance model
Principles for Supervisors
supervisory cooperation
Scope and timeline
IRRBB Standard Approach
Standard approach methodology
Cash Flow Bucketing
Process for positions that are amenable to standardization
Treatment of deposits without defined maturity
Caps on core deposits
Treatment of positions with optionalities
Fixed rate loans subject to prepayment
Term deposits with redemption risk
Add-on for automatic interest rate options
Standardized EVE risk measure
Interest rate risks for banking book (IRRBB) supervisory outlier tests SOT
Exercise 1: Interest rate risk measurement exercise
Cash flow bucketing
Treatment of deposits without defined maturity
Treatment of optionalities, prepaid.
EVE standardized
Comparison of standardized EVE against IRRBB internal model of economic value
Review Supervisory outlier test SOT
Module 3: Yield Curve Libor-OIS and EONIA-Euribor
ETTI construction
Available instruments
Bonuses and Deposits
Interest Rate Swap
Basis Swap
Cross Currency Swap
Using multiple instruments
ETTI in practice and main Issues
collateralized curve
Overnight Index Swaps (OIS)/EONIA
Bootstrapping approach in ETTI
Euribor curve
Eonia curve
Focus Interpolation
Cubic Splines
Basis Splines
Nelson Siegel Model Approach
Stochastic modeling
Vacicek's model
Cox–Ingersoll–Ross model
Ornstein–Uhlenbeck model
Hull-White model
Libor Market Model
Martingales and Numerary
Calibration of caps and swaptions
Multicurve Models
SABR models for negative rates
Exercise 2: Construction of Euribor and Eonia Interest Rate Term Structure Curve in Python
Exercise 3: Construction of the interest rate Term Structure Curve. Case study with deposits, FRAs and Interest Rates Swaps
Exercise 4: Real Case Bank of Spain Nelson Siegel exercise in R and Excel
Exercise 5: Temporary structure of cubic splines and basis splines in Excel
Exercise 6: SABR simulation for negative rates in Python and Excel
Exercise 7: Calibration and simulation CIR and Vasicek in R
Exercise 8: Ornstein-Uhlenbeck calibration in R
Exercise 9: Hull-White Simulation in Python
Module 4: SOFR / €STER Yield Curve
Dual Bootsrapping
Multi yield curve
Calibration and optimization
New instruments for SOFR USD
Libor vs. ARR Rates
New risks to manage
Singular calibration curve
Global Calibration Interpolation
Optimization Model
Multi-dimensional Newton-Raphson solver
Using Jacobians for recalibration
Selection of instruments for calibration ARR Instruments
Yield Curve Calibration Steps
Requirements to achieve a proper calibration
Exercise 10: Multicurve estimation and optimization with Jacobian matrices in Python
Exercise 11: Optimization with Jacobians using the Multi-dimensional Newton-Raphson solver
Exercise 12: Singular curve estimation
Exercise 14: Multicurve estimation with Jacobian matrices
Exercise 15: SOFR curve estimation
Module 5: Duration and Convexity
Macaulay duration in bonds
Modified Duration
Duration and Modified Duration
Portfolio duration and convexity
Duration of Own Resources
Portfolio immunization
negative convexity
Convertible Bonds
Exercise 16: Duration estimation and convexity effect in Excel
Exercise 17: Immunization in Excel bond portfolio
Exercise 18: Negative convexity and valuation by convertible bond decision trees in Excel and VBA
Module 6: EVE and EAR calculation
Yield Curve Stress test
Basis Risk Stress Test
Principal Components (PCA)
Monte Carlo simulation
Simulation of stochastic models: CIR, Vacicek, HJM, etc.
repricing gap
Financial Margin Simulation (EaR)
Capital at Risk Methodology
Measuring the Economic Value of PR (EVE)
Economic value and capital under the ICAAP
Gap analysis limits
Sensitivity limits of the NII and the equity value
Exercise 19: Repricing Gap in R
Exercise 20: Estimation of the EVE and EAR adjusted to the Basel III IRRBB criteria
Exercise 21: EVE estimation using yield curve stress, basis risk stress and Client behavior
Module 7: VaR of interest rate risk
Criteria for the use of VaR
VaR of interest rate risk
Expected Shortfall
delta greek
Delta-Gamma VaR
volatility smiles
volatility surfaces
Monte Carlo simulation
Treatment of optionality
Exercise 22: Smile of volatility and volatility surface in R
Exercise 23: Estimation of VaR using Monte Carlo simulation with valuation of optionalities in R
Module 8: Interest rate derivatives and hedges
Interest rate derivatives
Micro-hedges per operation
NII and Gaps macro-hedges
Futures and Swaps
Forward Rate Agreements (FRAs)
Hedging Strategies with Interest Rate Futures
Interest Rate Swaps (IRS)
Overnight Index Swaps (OIS)
Risk-free rate vs OIS
OIS zero curve
OIS vs Libor
Funding risk
Interest rate options
Bond Options
reverse necklace
Options and Futures on interest rate on SOFR
SOFR Options
SOFR Swaps
SOFR Futures
SOFR Trading Resources
Valuation models
Pricing caps and floors using Black`s Model
Pricing with trinomial trees
Pricing of Caps and Floors using the Libor Market Model
Deep Learning to calibrate and value derivatives
Exercise 24: Swaption Pricing in Python
Exercise 25: Pricing of caps and floors Black`s model in Excel and Python
Exercise 26: Swaption Pricing with Deep Learning
Exercise 27: Caplet and Swaption Libor Market Model in Python
Exercise 28: Calibration One Factor Hull White Swaption Model with deep learning
Module 9: Measurement of the VaR Credit Spread
Credit Spread Risk in the Banking Book
Credit Spread Risk in the Trading Book
PV01 estimation and correlation matrix
Parametric Credit Spread VaR
VaR by Monte Carlo Simulation
Copulate t-Student
Multivariate t-student distribution
Exercise 29: Estimation of the Spread VaR of a bond portfolio with Monte Carlo Simulation assuming normal multivariate distribution, multivariate t-student and copula t-student
Module 10: Modeling of liabilities without defined maturity
Stable and unstable deposits
Non Maturity Deposits (NMD) in Basel IV
Statistical models of liabilities
Tranches due to deposit volatility
Portfolio Replication model and optimization
Option-Adjusted Spread Model
Expert model to define stable deposits
Cash Flow estimation in the financial margin and economic value
Econometric and machine learning model of deposits
Logistic Regression with behavioral information
neural networks
Lifetime of deposit accounts
Modeling using stochastic interest rate and Credit Spread
Projection model with RNN and CNN neural networks
Exercise 30: Econometric model and simulation of liabilities without maturity in Excel
Exercise 31: Tranches of stable and unstable deposits in Excel
Exercise 32: Behavior model with logistic regression, neural networks, and SVC in R
Exercise 33: Replicated portfolio approach in Excel
Exercise 34: Advanced econometric NMD model with cointegration tests and portfolio replica methodology in R
Exercise 35: Projection model with RNN and CNN neural networks
Module 11: Prepayment Modeling
Empirical models
Statistical models of prepayment probability
Machine learning models to estimate prepaid rate
Recurrent Neural Networks
Feedforward neural network
Probability of payment by contract and by credit pool
Prepaid Option Models
Rational Prepaid Models
Factors such as interest rate, seasonality, economic cycle, Burnout factor and trend
Study of partial and total prepayments in mortgages
Exercise 36: Prepayment exercise in the mortgage portfolio using neural networks and SVR
Exercise 37: Econometric and machine learning model of probability of prepayment in R
Module 12: Models for the Use of Credit Lines
Estimation of the CCF in the EAD
Intensive models of credit line utilization
Management of credit lines
Marginal distribution of the use of lines of credit
Machine Learning models to model the use of credit lines
Neural networks
Exercise 38: Credit line utilization model in R
Exercise 39: Credit line utilization model with neural networks in Python
Module 14: Measurement of Liquidity Risk
Liquidity Ratios
Basel III LCR and NSFR Liquidity Ratios
Liquidity Coverage Ratio
Level 1 and 2 Liquid Assets
High Quality Liquidity Assets (HQLAs)
Net cash outflows
Net Stable Funding Ratio
Bank planning under Basel III
Stochastic optimization model
Sources of liquidity risk
Main sources of liquidity risk:
Intragroup liquidity risk
Liquidity risk Off-balance sheet
wholesale funding risk
retail funding risk
Funding cost risk
Intraday liquidity risk
Cross-currency liquidity risk
Asset Risk
Funding concentration risk
Correlation risk
Contagion risk
Module 15: Liquidity Risk Measurement II
Funding Liquidity Risk
Liquidity measurement
Stock Based Approach
Cash Flow based Approach
Hybrid Approach
Cash Flow at Risk
Advanced Cash Flow Projection
Liquidity Temporary Structure
Counterbalancing Capacity
Dynamic Liquidity Gap
Options in the Dynamic Gap
Contractual and behavioral inputs and outputs
Design of contingency fund plans
Strategies for Plan Implementation
Strategies for managing liquidity reserves
Liquidity buffer
Asset Allocation
Asset management based on liquidity measures
Liquidity buffer size estimation
fund strategies
Credit risk management
Introduction to Stress Testing in Liquidity Risk
Historical Approach
Statistical Approach
Expert Approach
Scenario Analysis
Determination of Liquidity Risk Scenarios
Steps to Develop a Contingency Funding Plan
Intraday Liquidity Risk Management
Exercise 40: Global exercise of liquidity and interest rate risk using Dynamic GAP, Basel III liquidity ratios, key liquidity metrics, simulation of Financial Margin and Economic Value through IRRBB in Excel
Module 16: ILAAP Liquidity Self-Assessment
Supervisory Review and Evaluation Process (SREP) EU
Liquidity risk assessment
Assessment of liquidity needs in the short and medium term
Intraday liquidity risk assessment
Evaluation of the liquidity buffer and counterweight capacity
Supervisory liquidity stress testing
Funding risk assessment
Evaluation of the funding profile
Funding profile stability risk assessment
Market Access Assessment
Assessment of expected changes in funding risks based on the entity's funding plan
Internal Liquidity Adequacy Assessment Processes (ILAAP)
Common information between ILAAP and ICAAP
Inherent liquidity risk
Inherent Funding Risk
Governance and liquidity risk management
Stress testing
Contingency Funding Plan
Analysis and metrics of liquidity risk and funding risk
Maturity ladder
concentration of funds
fund prices
fund rollover
Scope and frequency
Exercise 41: Fund rollover analysis in Excel
Module 17: Funds Transfer Pricing FTP and LFTP
Funds Transfer Pricing FTP
Libor transition impact on FTPs
Transfer Pricing System
Transfer pricing methodologies
Multiple Pool TP
Income Statement and Financial Margin Pool
Matched Maturity FTP
FTP Curve Estimation
Liquidity cost estimation
Matched Maturity TP on Liabilities
Impact of Basel III on FTP
FTP for loans
FTP for deposits
FTP for contingent liquidity risk
Bottoms Curve Setup
Specific Curves Segment
Consideration of large Clients
Curves Flats
Consideration of interest rate strategy and liquidity risk
Liquidity Risk Pricing
Liquidity Funds Transfer Pricing LFTP
LFTP Regulatory Requirements
LFTP Requirements
Exercise 42: Transfer Prices and ordinary pool margin estimation in Excel.
Exercise 43: Transfer Pricing Matched Maturity Approach
Exercise 44: LFTP conditioned to Basel III liquidity risk
Module 18: Reverse Liquidity Stress Testing
Introduction of Reverse Stress Testing
Funding Liquidity Risk
Stress testing of Funding Liquidity Risk
Cost of funds in times of crisis and normal
Identification of risk factors in funds
Funding Risk Score
Assignment of critical values
Calculation of survival periods
Control panel
Impact of funding risk on the bank
Module 19: Stress Testing of Liquidity Risk
Stress Testing Requirements for ILAAP
Consistency between Risk Appetite and Stress Testing the ILAAP
Adverse scenarios that produce a shock to liquidity risk
Liquidity actions
Magnitude of outflows from deposit accounts
Factors Related to Liquidity Stress
Guaranteed financing
Wholesale financing
Intraday liquidity
Counterweight capacity
Securities lending
Stress testing methodologies in liquidity risk
Bottom-up approach
Top-Down Approach
hybrid approach
Assessment of the methodologies
Stage design
Benchmark Liquidity Stress Scenarios
Modeling of Haircuts and Add-ons
Magnitude Run-Off Rates
Link of liquidity and solvency
Modeling and Stress Tresting of the Run-Off with econometric models
Stress Testing in Contractual Cash Flows
Stress Testing in behavioral cash flows
Global Exercise 45: Stress Testing of liquidity risk in financial statements, simulation of macroeconomic scenarios, impact on behavioral and contractual flows and Run-off rates in SAS and R
Module 20: Stress Testing of Interest Rate Risk
Scenarios and Stress Testing in the IRRBB
Interest Rate Parameter Shock Methodology
NII after the Interest Rate Shock
Stress testing yield curve
Interest rate and currency scenarios for internal management
Interest rate scenarios for stress testing
IRRBB Stress testing program
Governance Stress Testing
Stress testing in behavior models and economic environment
Exercise 46: Monte Carlo simulation, macroeconomic scenarios, impact on EVE and financial margin adverse yield curve scenarios and adverse macroeconomic changes
Module 21: Risk Appetite in liquidity risk and IRRBB
Risk Appetite in the ICAAP and ILAAP
Stress Testing
Definitions and analysis:
Risk appetite framework
Risk Appetite Statement
Risk Tolerance
Risk Capacity
Risk Profile
Risk Limits
Risk appetite statement
Risk appetite statement management in liquidity risk
Establishment of the appropriate level of Risk appetite
Liquidity risk statement – Limit of tolerance approach
Liquidity risk statement – scenario-based approach
Liquidity Reserve
Decision between a buffer or a reserve
Risk Appetite Monitoring
Risk Appetite and IRRBB limits
Module 22: Stress Testing ALM
Stress Testing in asset and liability management
Principles of Effectiveness of the RA Statement
Establishment of Limits and Metrics:
Regulatory Stress Testing
Limits on Risk Weight Assets
capital planning
IRRBB Economic and Regulatory Capital
NSFR and LCR Liquidity Position
Leverage Ratio
Difference between traditional and Risk Appetite limits
Best Practices in RA Statement
Monitoring and Validation of Risk Appetite
Global Exercise 47: Stress Testing, Global Economic Capital and Risk Appetite in Excel:
Capital estimation for interest risk
Risk Appetite for liquidity risk
Limits in the gap analysis
Dashboard with leverage ratio, regulatory liquidity ratios, KRIs, KPIS
Impact of stress testing on CET1, RWAs, P&L and Balance Sheet in 12 quarters
Module 23: Balance Sheet Optimization
Balance Sheet Optimization
Definition of post-COVID-19 scenarios
Stochastic and Dynamic Scenario Trees
dynamic programming
Multiperiod Stochastic Dynamic Programming
Maximization of the financial margin and economic value
Application of economic and financial theories
Conditioning factors of liquidity, capital and Basel III
COVID-19 Stress Testing Scenarios
Optimization of the Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR)
Determinants of IRRBB Risk Appetite
Exercise 48: Optimization of coverage ratios and stable financing with Excel Solver
Exercise 49: Optimization of the financial margin subject to restrictions of the leverage ratio, NSFR liquidity, LCR and capital, using multi-period stochastic programming
Module 24: Treatment of cryptographic exposures
The prudential treatment of crypto assets
Classification group 1, 2 and out of range
Classification conditions
Responsibilities for determining and monitoring compliance with classification conditions
Capital requirements of group 1 crypto assets
Group 1a Crypto Assets: Tokenized Traditional Assets
Credit and market risk
Group 1b crypto assets: crypto assets with stabilization mechanisms Stablecoins
Holders who can operate directly with the redeemer
Non-member holders
Bankruptcy Remote Vehicle Treatment for Crypto Assets with an Underlying Pool of Assets
Equity Investment in Funds approach to crypto asset credit risk with a pool-backed stabilization mechanism
Capital requirements for Group 2 crypto assets
Other regulatory requirements
levarage ratio
great exhibitions
Liquidity ratios
Supervisory review and adjustments to Pillar 1 requirements
Bank responsibilities
Risks attributable to operational and cyber risk.
Risks attributable to the underlying technology.
Risks attributable to money laundering and terrorist financing
Supervisor Responsibilities
Disclosure Requirements for Crypto Assets
Treatment of derivatives that refer to Group 2 crypto assets
Module 25: Contingency Financing Plans
Contingency Funding Plans CFP
Sources of Contingent Liquidity Risk
The underlying risk characteristics that define the need for contingency plans
The underlying risk characteristics that define the structure of contingency plans
Confidence on access to wholesale markets
Recognition of problems in the real world
Interconnection between contingency fund plans and liquidity policies
General requirements in contingency plans
Specific requirements in contingency plans
Exhaustive elaboration of Triggers
Action plans
Committee crisis management teams
Importance of effective communication
Administration Plan
Test plan