Climate - related Financial Risks
Riesgo Climático y Modelización del Riesgo Crédito
Climate change poses both risks and opportunities for financial institutions, now and in the future. As the Earth's temperature rises, increasingly common natural disasters are disrupting ecosystems and human health, causing unforeseen business losses and threatening banks' assets and infrastructure. In response, governments and private sector entities are considering a variety of options to reduce global emissions, which could result in disruptive changes across all economic sectors and regions in the near term.
Supervisors classify two types of risks: physical and transition. The first refer to specific meteorological phenomena (heat waves, floods, forest fires, storms) and long-term changes in the climate, such as a rise in sea level, and these could detract from the value of the properties that act as collateral in mortgages, increasing credit risk.
The objective of the course is to incorporate mainstreaming climate change financial risks into existing financial risk management practice, how to use scenario analysis to inform strategy setting and risk assessment and identification, and how to develop an approach to disclosure. the financial risks of climate change.
The objective of the course is to show the best practices for quantifying and managing climate risk. Various regulations such as Basel and IFRS S1 and IFRS S2 are explained as well as the Task Force Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD) standard.
Regarding climate risk management, governance, organization, scenario generation, risk assessment, risk appetite, as well as monitoring and disclosure of this risk are explained.
The impact of climate change on credit risk models and methodologies such as credit rating, credit scoring, modeling of PD, LGD and EAD parameters of the advanced IRB approach of Basel III, credit risk methodologies for IFRS 9 impairment models is quantified. and credit risk stress testing models. In addition, the impact of COVID-19 on credit risk models is explained.
The course also exposes the impact of climate change on market risk, liquidity risk, operational risk and reputational risk.
The estimation of the Climate Value at Risk is addressed using Monte Carlo Simulation and Delta Normal methodologies. Liquidity risk metrics affected by climate change are explained.
Advanced backtesting techniques are shown, such as discriminant power, stability tests, and calibration.
The use of machine learning to develop advanced models of credit risk and climate change is explained. In addition, it explains how to take advantage of machine learning to validate models and quantify credit risk.
Powerful model risk and credit risk exercises done in Python, R, SAS, Excel and JupyterLab are delivered.
This program is aimed at Directors, Managers, Analysts and Financial Risk Consultants and specialists in credit risk and those interested in climate risk. The content of the course is absolutely practical to apply immediately at work.
Europe: Mon-Fri, CEST 16-19 h
America: Mon-Fri, CDT 18-21 h
Asia: Mon-Fri, IST 18-21 h
Price: 7 000 €
Level: Advanced
Duration: 33 h
Presentations PDF, Exercises: Python, R, SAS, Excel and JupyterLab.
Climate Risk and Credit Risk Modeling
Module 1: Introduction to climate change and financial risk management
Summary of climate change risk
How does climate change translate into financial risk?
Exposure to weather-related risks
physical risks
Climate change as a physical and meteorological phenomenon and its impacts on natural and artificial systems
Basic science of climate change
the latest scientific knowledge compiled by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
transition risks
The economic transition with low carbon emissions, its risks and impacts
The social response to climate change as a political, economic and technological response
the international climate change regime, and current debates and challenges, such as the "Tragedy on the horizon"
main policy responses to climate change at the national level (for example, emissions trading
introduction to the risks and opportunities that climate change implies for the financial sector (mitigation and adaptation)
introduction to transition risks and opportunities in the context of the new Task Force on Climate Related Financial Disclosure (TCFD)
Risks of climate change risk
Understand the performance of carbon as an asset class.
Module 2: Emerging regulatory expectations
Background to regulatory initiatives: Paris Agreement and other frameworks
Overview of current regulatory standards (for example, PRA, ECB, HKMA, MAS, etc.)
Role of NGFS and standard setters
Risk Management Expectations
Challenges and opportunities Disclosure, reporting and governance frameworks
Growing pressure for financial disclosure
Strong ownership and oversight of climate change risk management practices
Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures TCFD
Understand the guiding principles of TCFD
Develop a comprehensive TCFD program
implement recommendations
The role of climate-related financial risks in the regulatory and supervisory framework
Research related to the measurement of climate-related financial risks
Measures to raise stakeholder awareness of climate-related financial risks
Bank approaches to managing and disclosing weather-related financial risks
The supervisory treatment of weather-related financial risks
Other initiatives that are underway among the respondents.
Making materiality judgments
Apply Materiality Judgments to Weather-Related and Other Emerging Risks
Financial reporting considerations
Disclosure of weather-related risks and other emerging risks
Management comment: provides context to the financial statements
Abstract: Materiality judgments must satisfy the information needs of investors.
Module 3: ESG and climate change risk
Environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) refers to the three central factors in measuring the sustainability and social impact of an investment in a company or business.
Current trends in the ESG market
Analysis of ESG ratings
Adapt investment strategies to the effects of climate change
Build a portfolio that reflects the transition to a low carbon economy
Integrating the carbon transition and physical climate risk
Distinguish the risks, challenges and opportunities associated with ESG
Module 4: Climate Risk Management
Scenario Analysis and Stress Testing
What is the difference between "normal" stress tests and climate change risk stress tests?
Bank of England stress test
Summary of scenario analysis in the context of climate change risk
Data management to assess the risks of climate change.
Benefits and Issues of performing scenario analysis
Climate change risk methodologies
How to model the risk of climate change?
Using and evaluating data
Understand modeling methodologies
temperature alignment
Decarbonization Pact Methodology
Climate change applied to credit risk
Challenges in climate change risk modeling
Incorporation of climate change risk strategies
Integrate climate change risk management into financial risk management frameworks
Adoption of KPI, KRI to monitor climate risks.
Use of self-assessments
Improvement and management of business commitment
How to successfully integrate climate risk strategies into the business.
Module 5: Credit risk transition risk
Scenario analysis to assess the transition risk component of a portfolio's credit risk
Introduction: preparing banks for the low carbon transition
A growing need for climate scenario analysis
The challenge for banks
Take advantage of and integrate the resources available to banks
An integrated approach to transition risk assessment Transition scenarios
Understand transition scenarios and their sources
Using scenarios for transition risk assessment
Closing the gap between climate scenarios and financial risk assessment
Borrower Level Calibration
Portfolio Impact Assessment
Link expected loss to transition impacts on portfolios
Assessment of probability of default (PD)
Loss Given Default (LGD) Assessment
Putting the Approach to Work: Lessons Learned from Banking Pilots
Piloting the transition risk methodology
Definition of sectors and segments
Evaluate the relative sensitivities of the segments
Determination of calibration points at the borrower level Case studies and results
The pilot transition scenario
pilot results
Transition Opportunities: Exploring an Institutional Strategy
evaluating the market
Grounding Opportunity Assessments in Scenario Analysis
Assessing the market attractiveness of the segment
Identification of banking capabilities
Discovering the opportunities with the greatest potential
Future Directions: Developing the Next Generation of Transition Risk Analysis
Module 6: Physical risks and opportunities
An Integrated Approach to Physical Risk Assessment
Borrower Characteristics
Insurance as a risk mitigator due to extreme climatic and meteorological events
climate change scenarios
Impacts of climate change on the probability of default PD
Evaluation of changes in the productivity of the sector
Adjustment of income statement metrics
Determination of changes in the probability of default
Real Estate: Climate Change Impacts on LTV Loan-to-Value
Estimation of the impacts of extreme events on the value of properties.
Determining Changes in LTV Loan-to-Value Ratio
Physical Opportunities: Exploring an Institutional Strategy
Taxonomy of opportunities and data sources
evaluating the market
Evaluation of the financing demand of the sector
Sector evaluation
Assess the institutional capacity and market positioning of a bank
evaluate opportunities
Future Directions: Towards the Next Generation of Physical Risk and Opportunity Analysis
Develop internal analytics and capabilities within banks
Strengthening the research base
Develop analytical platforms and tools to support physical assessments of risks and opportunities.
Improve information flows on physical risk and adaptation between banks and borrowers
Improve dialogue with governments and insurers
Module 7: Decarbonization and disruption
The oil and gas sector
market trends
The potential impacts of a disruptive transition
Ensure an orderly transition
Analysis of climatic scenarios of the messy transition
Utilities and Power Generation Sector
market trends
The potential impacts of a disruptive transition
Ensure an orderly transition
Analysis of climatic scenarios of the messy transition
Metals and mining sector (industrial)
market trends
The potential impacts of a disruptive transition
Ensure an orderly transition
Analysis of climatic scenarios of the messy transition
Agricultural sector
market trends
The potential impacts of a disruptive transition
Ensure an orderly transition
Analysis of climatic scenarios of the messy transition
Module 8: Climate transition scenarios
Analysis of climate scenarios in the financial sector
Analysis of scenarios before and after the global financial crisis
Climate scenario analysis
Climate scenarios
Introduction to Integrated Assessment Models (IAM)
Where do AMIs come from?
Advantages and Limitations of IAMs
Key assumptions
What do the IAM scenarios show?
What socioeconomic and policy assumptions do IAMs make?
What technological assumptions do IAMs make?
Elimination and overshoot of carbon dioxide
Many routes up to 15 ° C
Sectoral perspectives of climate scenarios
Regional, sectoral and technological coverage in IAM
Future energy mix at IAM
Understand sector-specific impacts
Bank assessments of climate scenarios (case studies)
Summary of UNEP FI transition risk approach used for bank case studies
Case studies and perspectives of the Bank on climate scenarios
Module 9: Climate Impact on Credit Rating
Analysis of Business Models of Corporate Credit Rating:
Main Financial Ratios
Data treatment
Univariate Analysis
Beta transformation
Selection of Variable Blocks
Principal component analysis
Qualitative Variables
Default definition
Temporal horizon
Multivariate models
Logistic regression
Multinomial Regression
Weight of qualitative and quantitative factors
Consistency Tests
PD Estimation and Calibration
Definition and creation of Master Scale
PD Mapping to Master Scale
Impact of climate risk
Methodology to integrate climate risk
Climate Risk Factors
Exercise 1: Univariate Analysis with Financial Ratios in Excel
Exercise 2: Analysis of Principal Components in SAS
Exercise 3: Multivariate Model in SAS
Exercise 4: Consistency Test in Excel
Exercise 5: Qualitative and Quantitative Factors of the Rating
Exercise 6: PD estimation and mapping to Master Scale
Exercise 7: Credit rating and climate risk
Module 10: Climate Change in the Sovereign Rating
Sovereign Risk
transfer risk
Country Rating Modeling
Sovereign Rating Model emerging countries
Sovereign Rating Model developed countries
Univariate Analysis
Shadow AR
Advanced Multivariate Model for Sovereign Rating
Climate risk impact
Exercise 8: Impact due to climate risk Sovereign Rating
Module 11: IRB PD Estimation
Impact of COVID-19 on PD
Basel III and EBA regarding the default before COVID-19
Default definition
Public or private moratorium
Detection of borrowers in default due to the Pandemic
Adjustments for transition risks of climate change in the PD
Adjustments for physical risks of climate change in the PD
Credit scoring models
Explanatory variables of the impact of COVID-19
Productive Behavior Score models of COVID-19
explanatory variables
Credit Rating models for companies
Explanatory variables of COVID-19
PD estimation
Treatment of Panel data
Econometric models to estimate PD
PD Logistic Regression
PD Probit Regression
PD COX regression of survival
PD Log-log Complementary
PD Regression Data Panel
PD Calibration
Calibration of econometric models
Anchor Point Estimate
Calibration of PD by vintages or vintages
vintage analysis
PS Marginal
PS Forward
Cumulative PD
Exercise 9: Building Advanced Credit Scoring in Python and R
Exercise 10: Calibration of PD with COX regression in R
Exercise 11: Calibration of PD with regression of R panel data
Exercise 12: PD calibration with logistic LASSO model in R
Exercise 14: Calibration of the PD with Bayesian regression probit in R
Exercise 15: Calibration of PD with Bayesian COX regression in R
Exercise 16: PD Calibration by Climate Adjustment
Module 12: Structural Models of PD
Merton's model
Physical Probability of Default
Black-Scholes-Merton model
Black–Cox model
Vasicek–Kealhofer model
CDS Pricing
Curves in liquidity and non-liquidity conditions
CDS Implied EDF
CDS Spreads
Fair Value Spread
CDS Spread in Sovereigns
DD Default Distance
Impact of climate change
Coal Price Sensitivity
Exercise 17: Estimation of CDS Spread and PD
Exercise 18: Estimate of EDF and DD adjusted for climate change
Module 14: Lifetime PD Models
Adjustments for transition risks of climate change in the PD
Adjustments for physical risks of climate change in the PD
PD Lifetime consumer portfolio
PD Lifetime mortgage portfolio
PD Lifetime Wallet Credit Card
PD Lifetime portfolio SMEs
vintage model
Exogenous Maturity Vintage EMV Model
decomposition analysis
COVID-19 Pandemic Application
Advantages and disadvantages
Basel ASRF model
Matrix ASRF model
Leveraging IRB in IFRS 9
Advantages and disadvantages
Regression Models
Logistic Multinomial Regression
Ordinal Probit Regression
Survival Models
Cox regression
Advantages and disadvantages
Markov models
Multi-State Markov Model
Advantages and disadvantages
Machine Learning Model
Support Vector Machine
Deep Learning Models
Neural network architecture
PD Lifetime Extrapolation Models
Lifetime PD Calibration
Exercise 19: PD Lifetime using vintage EMV Decomposition model using pandemic data
Exercise 20: PD Lifetime using multinomial regression in R
Exercise 21: PD Lifetime using Markov model
Exercise 22: PD Lifetime using matrix ASRF model
Exercise 23: PD Lifetime using extrapolation approach
Exercise 24: PD Lifetime using SVM in Python
Exercise 25: PD Lifetime using Deep Learning in Python and PD calibration
Module 15: LGD in Mortgages and IRB companies
Impact of COVID-19 on LGD
definition of default
Renovations and restructuring
Default Cycle
Real Default Cycles
Adjustments for climate change transition risks in LTV and LGD
Adjustments for physical risks of climate change in LTV and LGD
Expected Loss and Unexpected Loss in the LGD
LGD in Default
Default Weighted Average LGD or Exposure-weighted average LGD
LGD for performing and non-performing exposures
Treatment of collaterals in the IRB
Workout Focus
Techniques to determine the discount rate
Treatment of recoveries, expenses and recovery costs
Default Cycles
recovery expenses
Downturn LGD in consumer portfolios
Downturn LGD in Mortgages
LGD in Mortgages adjusted for climate change
LGD in companies adjusted to climate change
Exercises 26: Estimation and analysis of LGD and Exp. Weighted Ave. LGD
Module 16: LGD Econometric Models
Advantages and disadvantages of LGD Predictive Models
Forward Looking models incorporating Macroeconomic variables
Parametric and non-parametric models and transformation regressions
Typology of LGD Multivariate Models
Linear regression and Beta transformation
Linear Regression and Logit Transformation
Linear regression and Box Cox transformation
Logistic and Linear Regression
Logistic and nonlinear regression
Censored Regression
Generalized Additive Model
neural networks
Beta regression
Inflated beta regression
Fractional Response Regression
Exercise 27: Logistic and linear regression LGD in SAS
Exercise 28: LGD Neural Networks
Exercise 29: Beta Regression Model LGD in R and SAS
Exercise 30: Comparison of the performance of the models using Calibration and precision tests.
Module 17: LGD for IFRS 9
Comparison of IRB LGD vs. IFRS 9
Impact on COVID-19
IFRS 9 requirements
Probability Weighted
Forward Looking
IRB LGD adjustments
Selection of Interest Rates
Allocation of Costs
Treatment of collateral over time
Duration of COVID-19
LGD PIT modeling
Collateral Modeling
LGD IFRS 9 for portfolio companies
LGD IFRS 9 for mortgage portfolio
LGD IFRS 9 for corporate portfolios
credit cycle
Tobit Regression
IFRS 9 LGD using LASSO Regression
Machine Learning Models
Support Vector Machine
Neural Networks
Exercise 31: Estimation and adjustments for LGD IFRS 9 using Tobit regression in R
Exercise 32: Censored Regression Model LGD in R
Exercise 33: Estimating IFRS 9 LGD using LASSO regression in Python
Exercise 34: LGD Estimation IFRS 9 SVM
Exercise 35: LGD estimation IFRS 9 NN
Module 18: Time series of climate change and projections
Financial and macroeconomic series in stress testing
Econometric Models
ARIMA models
ARCH models
GARCH models
Machine Learning Models
Supported Vector Machine
neural networks
deep learning
Recurrent Neural Networks RNN
Model Validation
Data processing
Non-Stationary Series
Dickey-Fuller test
Cointegration Tests
non-normality tests
Backtesting of time series
Validation of machine learning models
Train test split
K-fold cross-validation
Walk-forward validation
Exercise 36: Non-stationary and cointegration series
Exercise 37: ARCH modeling climate change
Exercise 38: Facebook Prophet modeling climate change
Exercise 39: Machine Learning LSTM modeling of climate change
Exercise 40: Bakctesting machine learning time series
Module 19: Climate and Macroeconomic Scenarios in IFRS 9
IFRS 9 Macroeconomic Scenarios
climate scenarios
Converting climate scenarios to macroeconomic scenarios
Analysis of scenarios in EBA
Design of adverse scenarios
Financial and economic shocks
Important macroeconomic variables
Structural macroeconomic models
Bayesian VaR
balance models
Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE)
Non-equilibrium models
Sensitivity Analysis
Integrated assessment model (IAM)
Computable general equilibrium (CGE)
Overlapping generation
Scenario analysis
Expert judgment in stage design
Scenario severity score
Scenario validation
Exercise 41: Advanced model of BVaR and DSGE macroeconomic scenarios
Exercise 42: Converting climate scenarios to macroeconomic scenarios
Module 20: Measurement and validation of Stress Testing Net Charge-Off
Stress Testing Net Charge-Off
Temporal horizon
Multi-period approach
Data required
Failed balance or penalty
Selection of Macroeconomic scenarios
Climate change scenarios
Charge Off
Net Charge Off
Losses on new impaired assets
Losses on old impaired assets
Net charge-off forecasting
Multivariate time series
Vector Autoregressive (VAR)
Vector Error Correction (VEC) Models
Machine Learning Models
Multivariate adaptive regression spline (MARS)
Stress testing validation
Performance metrics
Out of sample
Generalized Cross Validation – GCV
Squared Correlation - SC
Root Mean Squared Error – RMSE
Cumulative Percentage Error – CPE
Aikaike Information Criterion - AIC
Temporal horizon
Magnitude of the error
Exercise 43: VAR stress testing model
Exercise 44: VEC stress testing model
Exercise 45: MARS stress testing model
Exercise 46: Validation and backtesting of VAR, VEC and MARS models
Module 21: Model Risk in Stress Testing
Climatic Stress Testing
Climate Scenarios
Converting climate scenarios to macroeconomic scenarios
PD Stress Testing
Credit Portfolio View
Multiyear Approach ASRF
Reverse Stress Testing
Cox regression
Stress Testing of the Transition Matrix
Approach Credit Portfolio View
credit cycle index
Use of Credimetrics
Multifactor Extension
LGD Stress Testing
LGD Downturn: Mixed Distribution Approach
PD/LGD Multiyear Approach modeling
Frye-Jacobs PD/LGD modeling
Stress test and simulation of PD and LGD
ECL IFRS 9 Stress Testing
Transition matrix S1,S2 and S3
Changes in the stock of provisions
Changes in the stock of provisions of exposures S1
Changes in the stock of provisions of exposures S2
Changes in the stock of provisions of S3 exposures
Model risk in stress testing
Uncertainty in model specification
Uncertainty in the selected sample
Uncertainty in the scenarios
Mean Deviation (MD)
Exercise 47: Stress testing PD credit portfolio views approach and climate risk integration
Exercise 48: PD and LGD estimation Multiyear approach
Exercise 49: Stress Test LGD adjusted for climate risk
Exercise 50: Stress Test LGD, projection and simulation
Exercise 51: Stress Test of Transition Matrices
Module 22: Stress Testing Corporate Credit Risk
Temporal horizon
Data required
Main Macroeconomic variables
Impact on P&L, RWA and Capital
ASRF model
Creditmetrics model
Using Transition Matrices
Use of the credit cycle index
Default forecasting
Stress Test Methodology for corporate portfolios
Impact on RWA and Capital
Exercise 52: Stress Testing of corporate portfolio provisions using transition matrix and ASRF model in SAS, R and Excel
Module 23: Stress Testing of ECL IFRS 9
Stress testing IFRS 9 and COVID-19
Pandemic scenarios applied to the ECL calculation
Climate Scenarios
Stress Testing of IFRS 9 parameters
EBA Stress Testing 2021 and possible incorporation 2022 climate change
Treatment of the moratorium
Possible regulatory scenarios
Impact on P&L
PIT starting parameters
PIT projected parameters
Calculation of non-productive assets and impairments
Changes in the stock of provisions
Changes in the stock of provisions for exposures phase S1
Changes in the stock of provisions for exposures phase S2
Changes in the stock of provisions of exposures phase S3
Sovereign Exposure Impairment Losses
Impact on capital
Internal Stress Testing Model for ECL IFRS 9
Exercise 53: Stress Testing of the ECL using matrices and time series R and Excel
Module 24: Increase in Credit Risk SICR
Significant increase in credit risk (SICR)
Impact of COVID-19 on the increase in SICR risk
Impact of climate change on the SICR
Recommendations Basel, EBA, ESMA, IFRS
Qualitative and quantitative criteria based on COVID-19
Increase in collective credit risk
Individual IFRS 9 credit risk increase
Phase migration matrices
Roll rate models
Markov model
Impact of COVID-19 on migrations
Estimation of PD Lifetime and PD Origination thresholds
Rating Variation
Determination of thresholds
KRIs for retail, mortgages and corporate
Increase in collective IFRS 9 credit risk
Use of discriminant test
ROC curve
false alarm rate
target hit rate
S2 size
Exercise 54: Estimation of SICR credit risk increase using ROC discriminant power test in R and Excel
Module 25: Concentration Risk
Economic Capital Methodologies
PD Structural Models
Merton's model
Default Correlation
Future Asset Correlation
Unexpected Tax Loss
ASRF Economic Capital Models
ASRF model plus Stochastic LGD and correlations
Business Models
Credit Portfolio View
Credit risk +
Dependency modeling using copulas
Concentration Risk
Impact of climate change on concentration risk
Individual Concentration Model
Sector Concentration Model
Multifactorial Model
Pykthins model
Cespedes et al model
CDI, beta and DF
Dullmann model
Exercise 55: EC with ASRF model and Granularity adjustment
Exercise 56: Estimation of CDI, Beta and calibration of the DF
Module 26: Capital Allocation and Capital Planning
Reallocation of capital for climate risk
Definition and concept of Capital Allocation
Capital planning in the ICAAP
Capital Allocation using Euler's Principle
RAROC credit risk
Capital allocation process in business units
ASRF model
VaR and ES for estimating capital allocation
Exercise 57: Capital allocation using the ASRF model and estimating ES and VaR
Module 27: ESG Risk
ESG Risk Model Framework
Definition of ESG Risk
Definition of Financial Sustainable Investment Strategy
Valuation of Instruments and ESG Factors
Hazard rate calibration with ESG Rating
Impact on the distribution of risk factors
Delta Normal Approximation
Historical simulation approach
Monte Carlo simulation
Approximation Analytical Properties of the Model
ESG VaR Estimate
Var vs. VaR ESG
Exercise 56: Portfolio VaR and ESG VaR
Module 28: Liquidity Risk
The interaction of climate risk and bank liquidity
Climate risk drivers can affect liquidity risk
Increase in funds
liquidation of assets
Increased demand for liquidity from customers.
Liquidity Ratios
Basel III
Basel III LCR and NSFR Liquidity Ratios
Liquidity Coverage Ratio
Level 1 and 2 Liquid Assets
High Quality Liquidity Assets (HQLAs)
Net cash outflows
Net Stable Funding Ratio
Bank planning under Basel III
Modeling of econometric models with liquidity metrics
Climate risk variables
Exercise 57: Regression models of liquidity metrics linked to climate change
Module 29: Insurance-Linked Securities
Definition Insurance-Linked Securities
derivatives market
Derivatives and bonds linked to Property and Casualty risk
Weather Derivatives
Catastrophe Bonds
Catastrophe Derivatives
Derivatives and bonds linked to longevity and mortality risk
Longevity Swaps
Longevity Bonds
Risk management in ILS portfolios
Exercise 58: Valuation derived from Climate in Excel
Module 30: Operational Risk
Climatic Stress Testing
Climate Scenarios
Introduction Operational Risk
Losses due to natural disasters
Physical risks of climate change
Extreme weather events
Gradual/chronic changes in Earth's climate
business interruption and damage
The hurricane can interrupt the supply of electricity
Mapping of Transition and Physical risks to Basel
Loss Event Management
Risk Control Self Assessment
Scenario Based Assessment
Key Risk Indicators
Capital estimation LDA approach
Distributions of Frequency and Severity:
Negative Binomial
Inverse Gamma
Reverse Weibull
Inverse Gaussian
G-H 4 parameters
Mixture of Lognormals
Alpha Stable
Poisson-Gamma Bayesian approach
Lognormal partition and GDP
Scenarios with Expert criteria
Climate Risk Modeling
Physical risks
Catastrophe science
Hurricanes: Frequency, Regions
Hurricane Modeling
Earthquakes, frequency and severity
Probability distribution of the different climate scenarios
Climate Value at Risk
Exercise 59: Selection of the best distribution using goodness-of-fit tests in Excel
Exercise 60: Climate Value at Risk using Monte Carlo Simulation with effect of deductible / insurance excess in R
Exercise 61: Climate Value at Risk with Monte Carlo Simulation with frequency distribution with Gaussian copulas in R
Exercise 62: Climate Value at Risk with Monte Carlo Simulation of aggregate losses of the business units with t and frank copulas in R
Exercise 63: Comparison of internal models with Recursive Panjer, Fast Fourier Transformation and Monte Carlo Simulation in R and Excel
Module 31: Measurement of Reputational Risk
Definition and nature of Reputation
Increased reputational risk for banks based on changes in the market or consumer sentiment
Identification of reputational risk
Reputational risk assessment
Stakeholder expectations
Risk areas and stakeholder categories
Internal Reputational Risk
External Reputational Risk
Assessment through scenarios and impact
Use of Risk Control Self Assessment in reputational risk
Important KRIs of Reputational Risk
Practical case of presenting results to Senior Management