The Future of Credit Risk:
AI, Quantum Algorithms,
and Beyond
Advanced and intensive course on credit risk modeling using artificial intelligence and quantum computing, among many other topics: credit scoring tools, modeling of PD, LGD and EAD parameters of the advanced IRB approach of Basel III, credit risk methodologies for IFRS 9 impairment models, stress testing models of credit risk and economic capital. The impact of COVID-19 on credit risk models is explained.
Machine and deep learning are used to build powerful credit scoring and behavior scoring tools, as well as to estimate and calibrate risk parameters and stress testing.
A module on advanced data processing is exposed, explaining among other topics: sampling, exploratory analysis, outlier detection, advanced segmentation techniques, feature engineering and classification algorithms.
The course explains the recent final reforms of Basel III regarding the new standard approach and Advanced IRB, IFRS 9 related to credit risk and the new guidelines on estimation of PD and LGD and treatment of exposures in default of EBA.
Predictive machine learning models are shown such as: decision trees, neural networks, Bayesian networks, Support Vector Machine, ensemble model, etc. And in terms of neural networks, feed forward, recurrent RNN, convoluted CNN and adversarial Generative architectures are exposed. In addition, Probabilistic Machine Learning models such as Gaussian processes and Bayesian neural networks have been included.
Advanced methodologies are taught to estimate and calibrate risk parameters: PD, LGD and EAD. The Lifetime PD estimate used in the IFRS 9 impairment models is exposed.
Methodologies and practical exercises of Stress testing in credit risk using advanced techniques of machine learning and deep learning are shown. And a practical exercise with financial statements to understand the impact of stress testing on capital and profits.
We have a global exercise to estimate the expected loss at 12 months and ECL lifetime using advanced credit risk methodologies, including PD, LGD, EAD, prepayment and interest rate curve models.
The course shows economic capital methodologies in credit card, mortgage, SME and Corporate portfolios. As well as capital allocation methodologies.
Quantum Machine Learning is the integration of quantum algorithms within Machine Learning programs. Machine learning algorithms are used to compute vast amounts of data, quantum machine learning uses qubits and quantum operations or specialized quantum systems to improve the speed of computation and data storage performed by algorithms in a program. For example, some mathematical and numerical techniques from quantum physics are applicable to classical deep learning. A quantum neural network has computational capabilities to decrease the number of steps, the qubits used, and the computation time.
The objective of the course is to show the use of quantum computing and tensor networks to improve the calculation of machine learning algorithms.
We show how quantum algorithms speed up the calculation of Monte Carlo simulation, the most powerful tool for developing credit risk models, representing an important advantage for calculating economic capital, lifetime PD and creating stress testing scenarios.
The objective of the course is to expose classical models against quantum models, explain the scope, benefits and opportunities.
The Course is aimed at professionals from financial institutions of credit risk and financial risks. For a better understanding of the topics, it is recommended that the participant have knowledge of statistics and credit risk.

Price: 6.900 €
Europe: Mon-Fri, CEST 16-19 h
America: Mon-Fri, CDT 18-21 h
Asia: Mon-Fri, IST 18-21 h

Level: Advanced

Duration: 40 h

Presentations PDF
Exercises in Excel, R, Python y Jupyterlab

The Future of Credit Risk: AI, Quantum Algorithms,
and Beyond
Module -1: Quantum Computing and Algorithms (Optional)
Future of quantum computing in banking
Is it necessary to know quantum mechanics?
QIS Hardware and Apps
quantum operations
qubit representation
matrix multiplication
Qubit operations
Multiple Quantum Circuits
German Algorithm
Quantum Fourier transform and search algorithms
Hybrid quantum-classical algorithms
Quantum annealing, simulation and optimization of algorithms
Quantum machine learning algorithms
Exercise 1: Quantum operations
Módulo 0: Análisis Exploratorio
Exploratory Data Analysis EDA
Fuentes de datos
Revisión del dato
Definición del Target
Horizonte temporal de la variable objetivo
Muestreo Aleatorio
Muestreo Estratificado
Muestreo Rebalanceado
Análisis Exploratorio:
Q-Q Plot
Análisis de momentos
Box Plot
Tratamiento de los valores Missing
Modelo Multivariante de Imputación
Técnicas avanzadas de detección de Outliers y tratamiento
Técnica univariante: winsorized y trimming
Técnica Multivariante: Distancia de Mahalanobis
Module 1: Feature engineering
Feature engineering
Data Standardization
Variable categorization
Equal Interval Binning
Equal Frequency Binning
Chi-Square Test
binary coding
WOE Coding
WOE Definition
Univariate Analysis with Target variable
Variable Selection
Treatment of Continuous Variables
Treatment of Categorical Variables
Information Value
Optimization of continuous variables
Optimization of categorical variables
Exercise 1: EDA Exploratory Analysis
Exercise 2: Detection and treatment of Advanced Outliers
Exercise 3: Multivariate model of imputation of missing values
Exercise 4: Univariate analysis in percentiles in R
Exercise 5: Continuous variable optimal univariate analysis in Excel
Exercise 6: Estimation of the KS, Gini and IV of each variable in Excel
Unsupervised Learning
Module 2: Unsupervised models
Hierarchical Clusters
K Means
standard algorithm
Euclidean distance
Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
Advanced PCA Visualization
Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues
Exercise 7: Segmentation of the data with K-Means R
Supervised Learning
Module 3: Logistic Regression and LASSO Regression
Econometric Models
Logit regression
probit regression
Piecewise Regression
Survival models
Machine Learning Models
Lasso Regression
Ridge Regression
Model Risk in Logistic Regression
Exercise 8: Credit Scoring Logistic Regression in SAS and R
Exercise 9: Credit Scoring Lasso Logistic Regression in R
Exercise 10: Model Risk Using Confidence Intervals of Logistic Regression Coefficients
Module 4: Trees, KNN and Naive Bayes
Decision Trees
Advantages and disadvantages
Recursion and Partitioning Processes
Recursive partitioning tree
Pruning Decision tree
Conditional inference tree
Tree display
Measurement of decision tree prediction
CHAID model
Model C5.0
K-Nearest Neighbors KNN
Advantages and disadvantages
Euclidean distance
Distance Manhattan
K value selection
Probabilistic Model: Naive Bayes
Naive bayes
Bayes' theorem
Laplace estimator
Classification with Naive Bayes
Advantages and disadvantages
Exercise 11: Credit Scoring KNN in R
Module 5: Support Vector Machine SVM
SVM with dummy variables
Optimal hyperplane
Support Vectors
Add costs
Advantages and disadvantages
SVM visualization
Tuning SVM
Kernel trick
Exercise 12: Credit Scoring Support Vector Machine
Module 6: Ensemble Learning
Set models
Bagging trees
Random Forest
Gradient Boosting Trees
Advantages and disadvantages
Exercise 14: Credit Scoring Boosting in R
Exercise 15: Credit Scoring Bagging in R
Exercise 16: Credit Scoring Random Forest, R and Python
Exercise 17: Credit Scoring Gradient Boosting Trees
Module 7: Deep Learning Feed Forward Neural Networks
Single Layer Perceptron
Multiple Layer Perceptron
Neural network architectures
Activation function
Rectified linear unit (Relu)
The U
hyperbolic hypertangent
Back propagation
Directional derivatives
Chain rule
Optimization and local and global minima
Exercise 18: Credit Scoring using Deep Learning Feed Forward
Module 8: Deep Learning Convolutional Neural Networks CNN
CNN for pictures
Design and architectures
Convolution operation
Descending gradient
Fully connected
Credit Scoring using CNN
Recent CNN studies applied to credit risk and scoring
Exercise 19: Credit scoring using deep learning CNN
Module 9: Deep Learning Recurrent Neural Networks RNN
Natural Language Processing
Natural Language Processing (NLP) text classification
Long Term Short Term Memory (LSTM)
Bidirectional associative memory
Descending gradient
Global optimization methods
RNN and LSTM for credit scoring
One-way and two-way models
Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding
Exercise 20: Credit Scoring using Deep Learning LSTM
Module 10: Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)
Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)
Fundamental components of the GANs
GAN architectures
Bidirectional GAN
Training generative models
Credit Scoring using GANs
Exercise 21: Credit Scoring using GANs
Module 11: Calibrating Machine Learning and Deep Learning
Grid search
Random search
Bayesian Optimization
Train test split ratio
Learning rate in optimization algorithms (e.g. gradient descent)
Selection of optimization algorithm (e.g., gradient descent, stochastic gradient descent, or Adam optimizer)
Activation function selection in a (nn) layer neural network (e.g. Sigmoid, ReLU, Tanh)
Selection of loss, cost and custom function
Number of hidden layers in an NN
Number of activation units in each layer
The drop-out rate in nn (dropout probability)
Number of iterations (epochs) in training a nn
Number of clusters in a clustering task
Kernel or filter size in convolutional layers
Pooling size
Batch size
Interpretation of the Shap model
Exercise 22: Optimization Credit Scoring Xboosting, Random forest and SVM
Exercise 23: Credit Scoring Optimized Deep Learning and Model Interpretation
Module 12: Traditional Scorecard Construction
Scoring assignment
Scorecard Classification
Scorecard WOE
Binary Scorecard
Continuous Scorecard
Scorecard Rescaling
Factor and Offset Analysis
Scorecard WOE
Binary Scorecard
Reject Inference Techniques
Fuzzy Augmentation
Machine Learning
Advanced Cut Point Techniques
Cut-off optimization using ROC curves
Exercise 24: Building Scorecard in Excel, R and Python
Exercise 25: Optimum cut point estimation in Excel and model risk by cut point selection
Module 14: Quantum Machine Learning
What is quantum machine learning?
Qubit and Quantum States
Quantum Automatic Machine Algorithms
quantum circuits
Support Vector Machine
Support Vector Quantum Machine
Variational quantum classifier
Training quantum machine learning models
Quantum Neural Networks
Quantum GAN
Quantum Boltzmann machines
Quantum machine learning in Credit Risk
Quantum machine learning in credit scoring
quantum software
Exercise 26: Quantum Neural Networks to develop a credit scoring model
Module 15: Tensor Networks for Machine Learning
What are tensor networks?
Quantum Entanglement
Tensor networks in machine learning
Tensor networks in unsupervised models
Tensor networks in SVM
Tensor networks in NN
NN tensioning
Application of tensor networks in credit scoring models
Exercise 27: Construction of credit scoring using tensor networks
Module 16: Probabilistic Machine Learning
Introduction to probabilistic machine learning
Gaussian models
Bayesian Statistics
Bayesian logistic regression
Kernel family
Gaussian processes
Gaussian processes for regression
Hidden Markov Model
Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC)
Metropolis Hastings algorithm
Machine Learning Probabilistic Model
Bayesian Boosting
Bayesian Neural Networks
Exercise 28: Gaussian process for regression
Exercise 29: Credit scoring model using Bayesian Neural Networks
Module 17: Calibration of the Probability of Default PD
PD estimation
Econometric models
Machine Learning Models
Data requirement
Risk drivers and credit scoring criteria
Rating philosophy
Pool Treatment
PD Calibration
Default Definition
Long run average for PD
Technical defaults and technical default filters
Data requirement
One Year Default Rate Calculation
Long-Term Default Rate Calculation
PD Model Risk
Conservatism Margin
PD Calibration Techniques
Anchor Point Estimate
Mapping from Score to PD
Adjustment to the PD Economic Cycle
Rating Philosophy
PD Trough The Cycle (PD TTC) models
PD Point in Time PD (PD PIT ) models
PD Calibration of Models Using Machine and Deep Learning
Margin of Caution
Exercise 30: PD Calibration Models
Exercise 31: PD Calibration in Machine Learning Models
Exercise 32: Modeling the Margin for Caution PD
Module 18: Machine Learning models to estimate Lifetime PD under IFRS 9
Credit scoring models to estimate Lifetime PD
PD Lifetime in IFRS 9
Impact of COVID-19 on models
Climate Risk Impact
Inflation impact
Impact of rising prices
Regression Models
Logistic regression
Logistic Multinomial Regression
Ordinal Probit Regression
VAR and VEC models
Machine Learning Model
SVM: Kernel Function Definition
Neural Network: definition of hyperparameters and activation function
deep learning
PD Calibration of Models Using Machine and Deep Learning
Exercise 33: PD Lifetime using logistic regression
Exercise 34: PD Lifetime using multinomial regression in R
Exercise 35: PD Lifetime using SVM in Python
Exercise 36: PD Lifetime using Deep Learning in Python
Exercise 37: PD Lifetime using Deep Learning LSTM in Python
Module 19: LGD IFRS 9
LGD for IFRS 9
Comparison of regulatory LGD vs. IFRS 9
LGD adjustments
Selection of Interest Rates
Allocation of Costs
Treatment of collateral over time
Marginal LGD
Loss Lifetime Concept
Lifetime LGD models
Exercise 38: Tobit regression, neural networks, SVM to estimate LGD
Module 20: EAD IFRS 9
EAD for IFRS 9
Comparison of regulatory EAD vs. IFRS 9
Adjustments in the EAD
Interest Accrual
CCF PIT Estimate
Modeling of available lifetime
Prepayment modeling
Exercise 39: IFRS 9 EAD estimation for credit cards using machine learning
Module 21: Increase in Credit Risk SICR
Significant increase in credit risk (SICR)
Impact of COVID-19 on the increase in SICR risk
Recommendations Basel, EBA, ESMA, IFRS
Qualitative and quantitative criteria based on COVID-19
Increase in collective credit risk
Individual IFRS 9 credit risk increase
Phase migration matrices
Roll rate models
Markov model
Impact of COVID-19 on migrations
Estimation of PD Lifetime and PD Origination thresholds
Rating Variation
Determination of thresholds
KRIs for retail, mortgages and corporate
Increase in collective IFRS 9 credit risk
Use of discriminant test
ROC curve
false alarm rate
target hit rate
S2 size
Exercise 40: Estimation of SICR credit risk increase using ROC discriminant power test in R and Excel
Module 22: Lifetime PD
PD lifetime modeling
Exogenous Maturity Vintage
Age Period Cohort
Classic Monte Carlo simulation
Quantum Monte Carlo Simulation
Quadratic acceleration over the classical Monte Carlo simulation
PD lifetime modeling
Monte Carlo Markov Chain MCMC
Quantum enhancement in MCMC
Exercise 41: Lifetime PD IFRS 9 estimation using quantum enhancements
Module 23: Preparation of Econometric Models
Review of assumptions of econometric models
Review of the coefficients and standard errors of the models
Model reliability measures
Error management
not normal
Using Correlation to detect bivariate collinearity
Detection of multivariate collinearity in linear regression
Detection of multivariate collinearity in logistic regression
Exercise 42: Non-stationary series detection and cointegration
Exercise 43: Measuring Collinearity, Heteroskedasticity, Serial Autocorrelation, and Outilers
Module 24: Modernizing macroeconomic dynamics using Deep Learning
Macroeconomic models
Neoclassical growth model
Partial differential equations
DSGE Stochastic Dynamic General Equilibrium Models
Deep learning architectures
Reinforcement Learning
Advanced Scenario Analysis
Exercise 44: Bellman equation macroeconomic model using neural networks
Module 25: Deep Learning models for macroeconomic projections
Trading strategies with forecasting models
Multivariate Models
VAR Autoregressive Vector Models
ARCH models
GARCH models
GARCH Models Multivariate Copulas
VEC Error Correction Vector Model
Johansen's method
Machine Learning Models
Supported Vector Machine
neural network
Forecasting market time series yields
NN and SVM algorithms for performance forecasting
Forecasting volatility NN vs. Garch
Development and validation base
Deep learning
Recurrent Neural Networks RNN
Elman's Neural Network
Jordan Neural Network
Basic structure of RNN
Long short term memory LSTM
temporary windows
Development and validation sample
Sequence modeling
Time series analysis with Facebook Prophet
Prediction of the spread of Covid-19
Exercise 45: Forecasting GARCH volatility in Python
Exercise 46: Forecasting GARCH Multivariate volatility in R
Exercise 47: Forecasting financial series with Machine Learning using python
Exercise 48: Forecasting financial series and indices using Recurrent Neural Networks in Python
Exercise 49: Forecasting the Pandemic using RNN LSTM in Python
Exercise 50: Charge-off model with VAR and VEC
Exercise 51: Charge-off model with RNN LSTM
Module 26: Stress Testing PD and LGD
Temporal horizon
Multi-period approach
Data required
Impact on P&L, RWA and Capital
Macroeconomic Stress Scenarios in consumption
PD Stress Testing:
Credit Portfolio View
Multiyear Approach
Reverse Stress Testing
Cox Regression
Stress Testing of the Transition Matrix
Approach Credit Portfolio View
credit cycle index
Multifactor Extension
LGD Stress Testing:
LGD Downturn: Mixed Distribution Approach
PD/LGD Multiyear Approach modeling
LGD stress test for mortgage portfolios
Stress Testing of:
Charge Off
Net Charge Off
Roll Rates
Rating/Scoring transition matrices
Delinquency bucket transition matrices
Recovery Rate and LGD
Losses on new impaired assets
Losses on old impaired assets
Exercise 52: Stress Testing PD in Excel and SAS multifactor model Credit Portfolio Views
Exercise 53: Stress Testing PD in SAS Multiyear Approach
Exercise 54: Stress test of PD and Autoregressive Vectors
Exercise 55: LGD stress test adjusted for climate change
Exercise 56: Stress Test of the LGD econometric model in Excel
Exercise 57: Joint Stress Test of the PD&LGD
Module 27: Stress Testing in corporate portfolios
Temporal horizon
Data required
Main Macroeconomic variables
Impact on P&L, RWA and Capital
ASRF model
Creditmetrics model
Using Transition Matrices
Use of the credit cycle index
Default forecasting
Stress Test Methodology for corporate portfolios
Impact on RWA and Capital
Exercise 58: Stress Testing PD and corporate portfolio transition matrices using transition matrix and ASRF model in SAS, R and Excel
Module 28: ECL IFRS 9 Stress Testing
Stress testing IFRS 9 and COVID-19
Pandemic scenarios applied to the ECL calculation
Stress Testing of IFRS 9 parameters
EBA Stress Testing 2023
Treatment of the moratorium
Possible regulatory scenarios
Impact on P&L
PIT starting parameters
PIT projected parameters
Calculation of non-productive assets and impairments
Changes in the stock of provisions
Changes in the stock of provisions for exposures phase S1
Changes in the stock of provisions for exposures phase S2
Changes in the stock of provisions of exposures phase S3
Sovereign Exposure Impairment Losses
Impact on capital
Internal Stress Testing Model for ECL IFRS 9
Exercise 59: Stress Testing the ECL using matrices and time series R and Excel
Global Credit Risk Stress Testing
Module 29: Stress Testing in Balance Sheet and Income Statement
Firmwide stress testing methodology
Implementation of Firmwide Stress Testing
ECL IFRS 9 Incorporation
Differences vs. EBA and CCAR
Static vs Dynamic Balance Sheet
Application and Scenario Design
Integration of financial risks
available capital
Actions in management
Global Exercise 60: Stress Testing of credit risk in python, R, Excel with VBA
Business plan
Forecasting of the Balance Sheet in 3 years
Forecasting of the Income Statement in 3 years
Application of Scenarios and External Shocks
Network analysis of main variables
Incorporation IFRS 9 Provisions
Stress Testing and credit risk capital
Review of the Impact of credit risk in:
CET1 capital, regulatory capital and RWAs
Balance Sheet
P&L Income Statement
Excess limits
Dashboard in Excel
Module 30: Quantum Stress Testing
Quantum economics
Classic Monte Carlo simulation
Quantum Monte Carlo
Coding Monte Carlo problem
Breadth Estimation
Acceleration applying the amplitude estimation algorithm
DGSE model using neural networks
Quantum Monte Carlo Simulation vs Normal Monte Carlo Simulation
Exercise 61: DGSE model using deep learning
Exercise 62: Quantum Monte Carlo Simulation vs. Classical Monte Carlo Simulation
Module 31: Economic and Regulatory Capital Models
Regulatory Capital
Economic Capital Methodologies
PD Structural Models
Merton's model
Default Correlation
Future Asset Correlation
Unexpected Tax Loss
ASRF Economic Capital Models
Business Models
Credit Portfolio View
Credit risk +
Dependency modeling using copulas
Economic capital management
Economic Capital Model in credit cards
Advanced Model of Economic Capital in mortgages
Economic Capital Model in SMEs and Corporate Companies
Allocating Economic Capital
Exercise 63: Asset mapping
Exercise 64: Portfolio Approach: Estimation of EL, UL, ULC, Correlation and Economic Capital in Excel
Exercise 65: Creditrisk + on SAS
Exercise 66: Creditmetrics in Excel and R
Exercise 67: Single-factor model in Excel
Module 32: Concentration Risk
Climate change adjustments
Individual Concentration Model
Sector Concentration Model
Pykthins model
Cespedes et al model
Exercise 68: Measurement of concentration risk
Module 33: Quantum Economic Capital
Distribution of credit risk losses
Quantum uncertainty model
Circuit Definition
Quadratic acceleration over the classical Monte Carlo simulation
expected loss
Cumulative distribution function
Expected Shortfall
Exercise 69: Quantum economic capital estimation