Curso intensivo de metodologías de IFRS 9 de riesgo de crédito aplicando modelos tradicionales econométricos y de machine learning clásicos así como novedosos modelos de machine learning probabilístico, AI Generativa y computación cuántica.
La pandemia de COVID-19 surgió solo dos años después de la implementación en 2018 del IFRS 9. La pandemia estreso y afecto el poder predictivo de los modelos y metodologías, planteando desafíos significativos para la creación de provisiones de activos deteriorados. A raíz del shock pandémico, las posteriores medidas regulatorias y gubernamentales, así como el reciente conjunto, sin precedentes, de eventos de riesgo, tales como la guerra, la inseguridad en el suministro energético europeo y las presiones inflacionarias mundiales, los bancos han planeando gradualmente recalibrar los modelos de pérdida de crédito esperada (ECL) de la IFRS 9 para mejorar su precisión e incorporar las lecciones aprendidas. No obstante, aunque sean necesarios ajustes a los modelos, siguen apareciendo nuevos shocks macroeconómicos influidos por una elevada incertidumbre.
Las entidades han enfrentaron varios desafíos. El primero, fue el incremento significativo del riesgo de crédito (SICR) que se basó en información inexacta o incompleta. Segundo, la probabilidad de incumplimiento (PD) no era lo suficientemente sensible a la información prospectiva y no lineal. Tercero, los bancos aplicaron overlays con mayor frecuencia, pero no los justificaban ni cuantificaban.
Algunas firmas prestigiosas de consultoría proponen automatizar más procesos, desarrollar modelos desafiantes de PDs y pérdidas esperadas crediticias ECL.
Por lo anterior, hemos creado un curso, con un mayor número de modelos de estimación y calibración de la lifetime PD, hemos incrementado los modelos de inteligencia artificial y añadido modelos basado en algoritmos cuánticos que por un lado pueden ser modelos desafiantes de los tradicionales y que ayudarán a medir las relaciones no lineales.
No obstante, el core del curso es explicar pormenorizadamente metodologías de riesgo de crédito para estimar y calibrar los parámetros tipo lifetime de PD, LGD y EAD ajustados a la norma IFRS 9 empleando modelos econométricos, enfoque bayesiano, machine learning tradicional, machine learning cuántico y algortimos cuánticos.
Todos los modelos deben cuantificar la incertidumbre inherente a las inferencias y predicciones financieras para que sean útiles en la toma de decisiones y gestión de riesgos financieros. Los parámetros y resultados del modelo pueden tener un rango de valores con probabilidades asociadas. Por lo que se necesitan modelos probabilísticos matemáticamente sólidos que se adapten a las imprecisiones y que cuantifican las incertidumbres con coherencia lógica. Por lo anterior hemos incluido modelos de machine learning probabilístico, es decir algoritmos de aprendizaje automático junto con modelización probabilística y teoría de decisión bayesiana. Estos algoritmos ofrecen modernas y potentes soluciones en este complejo entorno financiero y económico de hoy en día.
Este curso incluye más de 12 metodologías y ejercicios para estimar la PD Lifetime en carteras de retail, hipotecas, pymes y corporate, por ejemplo, el modelo Exogenous Maturity Vintage EMV, modelos de Markov, modelos de supervivencia, matrices de transición, Deep Learning, algoritmos cuánticos de simulación de Monte Carlo entre otros.
Se han incorporado metodologías de forecasting y stress testing para generar escenarios económicos forward looking. Respecto al tema, hay varios módulos dedicados al diseño de escenarios donde se exponen la interacción entre las variables macroeconómicas y la Lifetime PD. Además, se explican metodologías de stress testing de las provisiones de riesgo crédito IFRS 9.
En cuanto a la LGD Lifetime, se muestran modelos de machine learning para mejorar la exactitud de los parámetros. Y respecto a la EAD Lifetime se explican modelos vintage para líneas de crédito, además de modelos econométricos de prepago.
Se entrega, una herramienta de pricing, que incluye la estimación del ECL 12m y ECL Lifetime, capital regulatorio, Raroc y Hurdle rate.
El Machine Learning cuántico es la integración de algoritmos cuánticos dentro de programas de Machine Learning. Los algoritmos de machine learning se utilizan para calcular inmensas cantidades de datos, el aprendizaje automático cuántico utiliza qubits y operaciones cuánticas o sistemas cuánticos especializados para mejorar la velocidad de cálculo y el almacenamiento de datos realizado por algoritmos en un programa. Por ejemplo, algunas técnicas matemáticas y numéricas de la física cuántica son aplicables al deep learning clásico. Una red neuronal cuántica tiene capacidades computacionales para disminuir la cantidad de pasos, los qubits utilizados y el tiempo de cómputo.
El objetivo del curso es mostrar el uso de la computación cuántica y redes tensoriales para mejorar el cálculo de algoritmos de machine learning.
Mostramos como los algoritmos cuánticos aceleran el cálculo de la simulación de Monte Carlo, la herramienta más potente para desarrollar modelos de riesgo crédito, representando una ventaja importante para el cálculo del capital económico, lifetime PD y creación de escenarios de stress testing.
El objetivo del curso es exponer modelos clásicos frente a modelos cuánticos, explicar los alcances, beneficios y oportunidades.
Se exponen técnicas de AI Generativa para desarrollar modelos de lifetime PD avanzados.
Para facilitar el aprendizaje la mayoría de macros se entregan en Jupyter Notebook, un entorno interactivo web de ejecución de código R y Python, donde se incluyen, vídeos, imágenes, formulas, etc. que ayudan al análisis y explicación de las metodologías.
Este programa está dirigido a responsables, analistas y consultores de riesgos que estén inmersos en el desarrollo, validación o auditoría de los modelos de riesgo crédito IFRS 9 o para todos aquellos interesados. Para la mejor comprensión de los temas es recomendable que el participante tenga conocimientos de estadística. Puedes beneficiarte de las tecnologías de computación cuántica sin necesidad de tener conocimientos de física cuántica.
Santiago de Chile, Sao Paulo, Buenos Aires, Santo Domingo: L a V: 18-21h
España, Portugal: L a V 19-22 h
Ciudad de México, Quito, Bogotá, San José: L a V 19-22 h
Precio: 7 900 €
Nivel: Avanzado
Duración: 40 h
Presentaciones PDF
Ejercicios en Excel, R, Python y Jupyterlab
Se entrega el vídeo grabado del curso de 40 horas.
IFRS 9: Modelización del Riesgo Crédito 2.0
Módulo 0: Implantación de la IFRS 9 en la UE
SICR assessment approaches
Approaches for determining stage transfers
Alignment between the Definition of Default and IFRS 9 exposures in Stage 3
Low credit risk exemption
12-month PD as proxy for lifetime PD
Expected Credit Loss Models
Types of Expected Credit Loss models
Model limitations and use of overlays
Effects from the Russian/Ukrainian conflict
ESG including climate risks
IFRS 9 PD variability and robustness
Variability in the IFRS 9 PD
Differences in the use of IRB models for IFRS 9 estimates
Differences in the definition of default
Differences in risk differentiation
Differences in risk quantification
Treatment of 2020-2021 defaults
Incorporation of forward-looking information
Macroeconomic scenarios
Variability of the methodological approach for incorporation of FLI and
reflection of non-linearity-
Incorporation of FLI at parameter level
List of macroeconomic variables used for FLI incorporation
Forecasting period and reversion to long-term average
Variability in the impact and different sensitivities from FLI
Effect of non-linearity and probability framework
Focus on backtesting practices
Staging allocation
ECL measurement
IFRS 9 LGD estimates
IFRS 9 PD estimates
Forward-looking information
Módulo 1: Análisis exploratorio
Exploratory Data Analysis EDA
data sources
Data review
Target definition
Time horizon of the target variable
Random Sampling
Stratified Sampling
Rebalanced Sampling
Exploratory Analysis:
Q Q Plot
Moment analysis
Treatment of Missing values
Multivariate Imputation Model
Advanced Outlier detection and treatment techniques
Univariate technique: winsorized and trimming
Multivariate Technique: Mahalanobis Distance
Over and Undersampling Techniques
Random oversampling
Synthetic minority oversampling technique (SMOTE)
Módulo 2: Feature engineering
Feature engineering
Data Standardization
Variable categorization
Equal Interval Binning
Equal Frequency Binning
Chi-Square Test
Binary coding
WOE Coding
WOE Definition
Univariate Analysis with Target variable
Variable Selection
Treatment of Continuous Variables
Treatment of Categorical Variables
Information Value
Optimization of continuous variables
Optimization of categorical variables
Exercise 1: EDA Exploratory Analysis
Exercise 2: Feauture Engineering
Exercise 3: Detection and treatment of Advanced Outliers
Exercise 4: Multivariate model of imputation of missing values
Exercise 5: Univariate analysis in percentiles in R
Exercise 6: Continuous variable optimal univariate analysis in Excel
Machine Learning
Módulo 3: Machine Learning
Unsupervised models
K Means
Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
Advanced PCA Visualization
Supervised Models
Ensemble Learning
Bagging trees
Random Forest
Gradient Boosting Trees
Exercise 7: Segmentation data using K-Means
Exercise 8: Credit Scoring Support Vector Machine
Exercise 9: Credit Scoring Boosting
Exercise 10: Credit Scoring Bagging
Exercise 11: Credit Scoring Random Forest, R and Python
Exercise 12: Credit Scoring Gradient Boosting Trees
Módulo 4: Deep Learning
Feed Forward Neural Networks
Single Layer Perceptron
Multiple Layer Perceptron
Neural network architectures
Activation function
Back propagation
Directional derivatives
Chain rule
Optimization and local and global minima
Deep Learning Convolutional Neural Networks CNN
CNN for pictures
Design and architectures
convolution operation
fully connected
Credit Scoring using CNN
Recent CNN studies applied to credit risk and scoring
Deep Learning Recurrent Neural Networks RNN
Long Term Short Term Memory (LSTM)
Bidirectional associative memory
descending gradient
Global optimization methods
RNN and LSTM for credit scoring
One-way and two-way models
Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)
Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)
Fundamental components of the GANs
GAN architectures
Bidirectional GAN
Training generative models
Credit Scoring using GANs
Exercise 14: Credit Scoring using Deep Learning Feed Forward
Exercise 15: Credit scoring using deep learning CNN
Exercise 16: Credit Scoring using Deep Learning LSTM
Exercise 17: Credit Scoring using GANs
Módulo 5: Tuning Hyperparameters in Deep Learning
Grid search
Random search
Bayesian Optimization
Train test split ratio
Learning rate in optimization algorithms (e.g. gradient descent)
Selection of optimization algorithm (e.g., gradient descent, stochastic gradient descent, or Adam optimizer)
Activation function selection in a (nn) layer neural network (e.g. Sigmoid, ReLU, Tanh)
Selection of loss, cost and custom function
Number of hidden layers in an NN
Number of activation units in each layer
The drop-out rate in nn (dropout probability)
Number of iterations (epochs) in training a nn
Number of clusters in a clustering task
Kernel or filter size in convolutional layers
Pooling size
Batch size
Interpretation of the Shap model
Exercise 18: Tuning hyperparameters in Xboosting, Random forest and SVM models for credit scoring
Exercise 19: Tuning hyperparameters in Deep Learning model for credit scoring
Módulo 6: El proceso de desarrollo del Scorecard
Scoring assignment
Scorecard Classification
Scorecard WOE
Binary Scorecard
Continuous Scorecard
Scorecard Rescaling
Factor and Offset Analysis
Scorecard WOE
Binary Scorecard
Reject Inference Techniques
Fuzzy Augmentation
Machine Learning
Advanced Cut Point Techniques
Cut-off optimization using ROC curves
Exercise 20: Creating a scorecard using Excel, R, and Python
Módulo 7: Quantum Computing y Algoritmos
Future of quantum computing in banking
Is it necessary to know quantum mechanics?
QIS Hardware and Apps
Quantum operations
Qubit representation
Matrix multiplication
Qubit operations
Multiple Quantum Circuits
Deutsch Algorithm
Quantum Fourier transform and search algorithms
Hybrid quantum-classical algorithms
Quantum annealing, simulation and optimization of algorithms
Quantum machine learning algorithms
Exercise 21: Quantum operations
Módulo 8: Desarrollo del Scorecard mediante
Quantum Machine Learning
What is quantum machine learning?
Qubit and Quantum States
Quantum Automatic Machine Algorithms
Quantum circuits
K means quantum
Support Vector Machine
Support Vector Quantum Machine
Variational quantum classifier
Training quantum machine learning models
Quantum Neural Networks
Quantum GAN
Quantum Boltzmann machines
Quantum machine learning in Credit Risk
Quantum machine learning in credit scoring
quantum software
Exercise 22: Quantum Support Vector Machine to develop credit scoring model
Exercise 23: Quantum feed forward Neural Networks to develop a credit scoring model and PD estimation
Exercise 24: Quantum Convoluted Neural Networks to develop a credit scoring model and PD estimation
Módulo 9: Tensor Networks para Machine Learning
What are tensor networks?
Quantum Entanglement
Tensor networks in machine learning
Tensor networks in unsupervised models
Tensor networks in SVM
Tensor networks in NN
NN tensioning
Application of tensor networks in credit scoring models
Exercise 25: Construction of credit scoring and PD using tensor networks
Módulo 10: Probabilistic Machine Learning
Gaussian models
Bayesian Statistics
Bayesian logistic regression
Kernel family
Gaussian processes
Gaussian processes for regression
Hidden Markov Model
Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC)
Metropolis Hastings algorithm
Machine Learning Probabilistic Model
Bayesian Boosting
Bayesian Neural Networks
Exercise 26: Gaussian process for regression
Exercise 27: Bayesian neural networks
Módulo 11: Validación avanzada de modelos de IA
Integration of state-of-the-art methods in interpretable machine learning and model diagnosis.
Data Pipeline
Feature Selection
Black-box Models
Post-hoc Explainability
Global Explainability
Local Explainability
Model Interpretability
Diagnosis: Accuracy, WeakSpot, Overfit, Reliability, Robustness, Resilience, Fairness
Model comparison
Comparative for Regression and Classification
Fairness Comparison
Exercise 28: Validation and diagnosis of advanced credit scoring models
Probability of Default
Módulo 12: Probability of Default PD
PD estimation
econometric models
Machine Learning Models
Data requirement
Risk drivers and credit scoring criteria
Rating philosophy
Pool Treatment
PD Calibration
Default Definition
Long run average for PD
Technical defaults and technical default filters
Data requirement
One Year Default Rate Calculation
Long-Term Default Rate Calculation
PD Model Risk
Conservatism Margin
PD Calibration Techniques
Anchor Point Estimate
Mapping from Score to PD
Adjustment to the PD Economic Cycle
Rating Philosophy
PD Trough The Cycle (PD TTC) models
PD Point in Time PD (PD PIT ) models
PD Calibration of Models Using Machine and Deep Learning
Margin of Caution
Exercise 29: Modeling the Margin of Caution PD
Módulo 14: Modelos econométricos de IA de la PD
PD estimation
Treatment of Panel data
Econometric models to estimate PD
PD Logistic Regression
PD Probit Regression
PD COX regression of survival
PD Log-log Complementary
PD Regression Data Panel
PD Bayesian Logistic Regression
Machine Learning models to estimate PD
Cox XGBoost
Survival Tree
Random Survival Forest
Deep Learning Survival
PD Neural Networks
PD Quantum Neural Networks
PD Calibration
Calibration of econometric models
Anchor Point Estimate
PD calibration by vintages or vintages
Vintage analysis
PD Marginal
PD Forward
Cumulative PD
Econometric Models
Exercise 30: Using COX regression to estimate the PD
Exercise 31: Using logistic regression with panel data to estimate PD
Exercise 33: Using Bayesian Logistic Regression to estimate PD
Exercise 34: Using PD LASSO regression to estimate PD
Machine Learning and Quantum Machine Learning
Exercise 35: Using Random Forest Survival to estimate PD
Exercise 36: Using Cox Xboost to estimate PD
Exercise 37: Using Deep Learning survival to estimate PD
Exercise 38: Using Feed Forward NN to estimate PD
Exercise 39: Using Quantum Neural Networks to estimate PD
Módulo 15: Calibración de la PD
Concept of adjustment to central tendency
Bayesian approach
PD calibration in developed countries
PD calibration in emerging countries
Scaled PD Calibration
Scaled Likelihood ratio calibration
Smoothing of PD curves
Quasi moment matching
Approximation methods
Scaled beta distribution
Asymmetric Laplace distribution
Rubber function
Platt scaling
Broken curve model
Isotonic regression
Gaussian Process Regression
Exercise 40: PD calibration using Platt scaling and isotonic regression
Exercise 41: PD calibration using Gaussian Process Regression
Exercise 42: Calibration of the PD asymmetric Laplace distribution
Módulo 16: Bayesian PD and Gaussian Process
Bayesian and deterministic approach
Expert judgment
Prior distributions
Bayes' theorem
Posterior distributions
Bayesian PD Estimation
Markov Chain–Monte Carlo MCMC approach
Credibility intervals
Bayesian PD in practice
Calibration with Bayesian approach
Process Gaussian regression
Exercise 43: Logistic Model Bayesian PD in Python
Exercise 44: PD using MCMC in R
Exercise 45: PD using Process Gaussian Regression
Módulo 17: Low Default Portfolio PD (PD LDP)
Confidence interval approach for PD LDP
PD estimation without correlations
PD estimation with correlations
One-period and multi-period estimation
Bayesian PD estimation for LDP
Neutral Bayesian
Conservative Bayesian
expert judgment
Real analysis of PD of Corporate, Sovereign and Retail portfolios
LASSO regression to measure corporate default rate
Generating synthetic data for LDP using GAN
Exercise 46: PD LDP confidence interval approach in R
Exercise 47: Multiperiod confidence interval approach PD LDP
Exercise 48: Neutral Bayesian PD in R
Exercise 49: Conservative Bayesian PD in R
Exercise 50: Generating synthetic data with GAN for estimating PD
Módulo 18: Matrices de transición y estructura temporal de la PD
Temporary structure of PD in IFRS 9
Properties of transition matrices
Markov chains
Multi-year transition matrix
discrete time
continuous time
Generating Matrix
Exponential of a matrix
Duration method
Cohort method
Error management
PD temporary structure
Calibration of the temporal structure of the PD
Levenberg–Marquardt Algorithm
Economic Cycles
Calibration of the temporal structure of the PD for LDP
Exercise 51: Analysis and error exercise of Transition Matrix using cohort and duration approach in Python
Exercise 52: Calibration of the temporal structure of the PD
Módulo 19: Modelos Lifetime PD
PD Lifetime consumer portfolio
PD Lifetime mortgage portfolio
PD Lifetime Wallet Credit Card
PD Lifetime portfolio SMEs
Vintage model
Exogenous Maturity Vintage EMV Model
decomposition analysis
Advantages and disadvantages
Basel ASRF model
Matrix ASRF model
Leveraging IRB in IFRS 9
Advantages and disadvantages
Regression Models
Logistic Multinomial Regression
Ordinal Probit Regression
Survival Models
Cox regression
Advantages and disadvantages
Markov models
Multi-State Markov Model
Cox Semiparametric Model
Advantages and disadvantages
Machine Learning Model
SVM: Kernel Function Definition
Neural Network: definition of hyperparameters and activation function
Quantum Machine Learning Models
PD Lifetime Extrapolation Models
Exercise 53: using vintage EMV Decomposition model for estimating PD Lifetime
Exercise 54: using multinomial regression for estimating PD Lifetime
Exercise 55: using Multi-State Markov Model for estimating PD Lifetime
Exercise 56: using matrix ASRF model for estimating PD Lifetime
Exercise 57: using SVM in Python for estimating PD Lifetime
Exercise 58: using Neural Network in Python for estimating PD Lifetime
Exercise 59: using Quantum Neural Network in Python for estimating PD Lifetime
Exercise 60: using Quantum SVM in Python for estimating PD Lifetime
Módulo 20: Calibración avanzada PD Lifetime
Calibration by nonlinear equation systems
Temporal structure calibration with Vasicek model
Calibration of transition matrices using Vasicek
Bayesian calibration
Fitting curve distributions
Extrapolation Calibration
Gamma Adjustment
exponential accelerator
Lifetime PD Recalibration
Nelson Siegel Calibration
Exercise 61: Lifetime Advanced Calibration Models PD Nelson Siegel
Exercise 62: Lifetime PD Advanced Calibration Models Gamma Adjustment
Exercise 63: Factor Fit Calibration
Exercise 64: Vasicek model calibration
Módulo 21: Estimación de la PD Lifetime mediante
Quantum Computing
PD lifetime modeling
Exogenous Maturity Vintage
Age Period Cohort
Classic Monte Carlo simulation
Quantum Monte Carlo Simulation
Quadratic acceleration over the classical Monte Carlo simulation
PD lifetime modeling
Monte Carlo Markov Chain MCMC
Quantum enhancement in MCMC
Exercise 65: Lifetime PD IFRS 9 estimation using quantum enhancements
Módulo 22: LGD IRB en Retail Portfolios
Impact of COVID-19 on LGD
definition of default
Renovations and restructuring
Default Cycle
Real Default Cycles
Expected Loss and Unexpected Loss in the LGD
LGD in Default
Default Weighted Average LGD or Exposure-weighted average LGD
LGD for performing and non-performing exposures
Treatment of collaterals in the IRB
Workout approach
Techniques to determine the discount rate
Treatment of recoveries, expenses and recovery costs
Default Cycles
recovery expenses
Downturn LGD in consumer portfolios
Downturn LGD in Mortgages
LGD in consumption
LGD in Mortgages
LGD in companies
LGD for portfolios with replacement
Módulo 23: Modelos econométricos y de aprendizaje automático para estimar LGD
Advantages and disadvantages of LGD Predictive Models
Forward Looking models incorporating Macroeconomic variables
Parametric and non-parametric models and transformation regressions
Typology of LGD Multivariate Models
Linear regression and Beta transformation
Linear Regression and Logit Transformation
Linear regression and Box Cox transformation
Logistic and Linear Regression
Logistic and nonlinear regression
Censored Regression
Generalized Additive Model
Beta regression
Inflated beta regression
Support Vector Regression
Support Vector Classification
Random Forest Regression
XGBoosting Regression
Neural networks
Deep learning
Exercise 66: econometric models for estimating LGD:
Logistic and Linear Regression
Beta regression
Exercise 67: Machine Learning and Deep Learning Models for estimating LGD:
Random Forest Regression
XGBoosting Regression
Deep learning Regression
Exercise 68: Comparison of the performance of the models using Calibration and precision tests
Módulo 24: modelos de LGD en IFRS 9
Comparison of IRB LGD vs. IFRS 9
Impact on COVID-19
IFRS 9 requirements
Probability Weighted
Forward Looking
IRB LGD adjustments
Selection of Interest Rates
Allocation of Costs
Treatment of collateral over time
Duration of COVID-19
LGD PIT modeling
Collateral Modeling
LGD IFRS 9 for portfolio companies
LGD IFRS 9 for mortgage portfolio
LGD IFRS 9 for corporate portfolios
credit cycle
Tobit Regression
IFRS 9 LGD using LASSO Regression
Machine Learning Models
Support Vector Machine
Neural Networks
Exercise 69: using Tobit regression in R for estimating LGD IFRS 9
Exercise 70: using Neural Networks regression and classification for estimating LGD IFRS 9
Exercise 71: using Support Vector Machine regression and classification for estimating LGD IFRS 9
Módulo 25: Modelización avanzada de EAD y CCF en la IFRS 9
Impact of COVID-19 on credit lines
Guidelines for estimating CCF
Guidelines for Estimating CCF Downturn
Temporal horizon
Transformations to model the CCF
Approaches to Estimating CCF
Fixed Horizon approach
Cohort Approach
Variable focus time horizon
Econometric Models
Beta regression
Inflated beta regression
Fractional Response Regression
Mixed Effect Model
Machine Learning Models
neural networks
Intensity model to measure the withdrawal of credit lines
Exercise 72: using OLS Regression Model for estimating CCF
Exercise 73: using CCF Logistic Regression Model for estimating CCF
Exercise 74: using Neural Networks and SVM for estimating CCF
Módulo 26: Modelización de la tasa de prepago
Prepaid and other options
IFRS 9 requirements
Probability Weighted
Forward Looking
IFRS 9 prepayment modeling
Cox regression
Logistic regression
Survival rate estimate
Joint Probability Model with Prepayment rate and Lifetime PD
Exercise 75: Modeling IFRS 9 prepayment model for mortgage portfolios in R and Excel
Módulo 27: Lifetime EAD para líneas de crédito
Impact of the pandemic on the use of credit lines
Lifetime measurement in credit cards
Lifetime EAD
IFRS 9 requirements
Probability Weighted
Forward Looking
Adjustments in the EAD
Interest Accrual
CCF PIT Estimate
Lifetime CCF Estimate
Lifetime EAD modeling
Model of the use of credit lines with macroeconomic variables
Credit card abandonment adjustment
Lifetime EADmodel for pool of credit lines
vintage model
Chain Ladder Approach
Exercise 73: Econometric model of credit line usage in R
Exercise 74: Lifetime EAD model for individual line of credit
Exercise 75: Vintage Lifetime EAD Model for Pool of Credit Lines in R and Excel
Módulo 28: Preparación de modelos econométricos
Review assumptions of econometric models
Review the coefficients and standard errors of the models
Model reliability measures
Error management
Normal test
Using Correlation to detect bivariate collinearity
Identifying the existence of multivariate collinearity in linear regression models.
- Identifying the presence of multivariate collinearity in logistic regression.
Exercise 76: Detecting non-stationary series, identifying cointegration, and detecting outliers.
Exercise 77: Measurement of collinearity,
Exercise 78: Measurement of heteroskedasticity
Exercise 79: Measuring Serial Autocorrelation
Módulo 29: Deep Learning para modelizar la Dinámica macroeconómica
Macroeconomic models
Neoclassical growth model
Partial differential equations
DSGE Stochastic Dynamic General Equilibrium Models
Deep learning architectures
Reinforcement Learning
Advanced Scenario Analysis
Exercise 80: using neural networks for Bellman equation macroeconomic model
Módulo 30: Forecasting y Stress Testing PD y LGD usando AI
Forecasting models
Multivariate Models
VAR Autoregressive Vector Models
ARCH models
GARCH models
GARCH Models Multivariate Copulas
VEC Error Correction Vector Model
Johansen's method
Machine Learning Models
Supported Vector Machine
Neural network
Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines
Development and validation base
Deep learning
Recurrent Neural Networks RNN
Elman's Neural Network
Jordan Neural Network
Basic structure of RNN
Long short term memory LSTM
temporary windows
Development and validation sample
Sequence modeling
Machine Learning learning and Quantum Machine Learning
Exercise 81: Forecasting PD using Random Forest
Exercise 82: Forecasting PD using Neural Networks
Exercise 83: Forecasting PD using LSTM
Exercise 84: Forecasting PD using QUANTUM LSTM
Probabilistic Machine Learning
Exercise 85: Forecasting PD using Gaussian Process
Exercise 86: Forecasting PD using Bayesian Additive Regression Trees
Exercise 87: Forecasting PD using Bayesian Support Vector Machine
Exercise 88: Forecasting PD using Bayesian Neural Networks
Exercise 89: Forecasting PD using Pandemic variables and climate- change using RNN LSTM in Python
Exercise 90: Charge-off model using RNN LSTM
Módulo 31: Stress Testing Tradicional de PD y LGD
Temporal horizon
Multi-period approach
Data required
Impact on P&L, RWA and Capital
Machine Learning Models
Probabilistic Machine Learning Models
Macroeconomic Stress Scenarios in consumption
Stress Testing PD :
Credit Portfolio View
Multiyear Approach
Reverse Stress Testing
Cox regression
Stress Testing of the Transition Matrix
Approach Credit Portfolio View
credit cycle index
Multifactor Extension
LGD Stress Testing:
LGD Downturn: Mixed Distribution Approach
PD/LGD Multiyear Approach modeling
LGD stress test for mortgage portfolios
Stress Testing of:
Charge Off
Net Charge Off
Roll Rates
Rating/Scoring transition matrices
Delinquency bucket transition matrices
Recovery Rate and LGD
Losses on new impaired assets
Losses on old impaired assets
Exercise 91: Stress Testing PD in Excel and SAS multifactorial model Credit Portfolio Views
Exercise 92: Stress Testing PD in SAS Multiyear Approach
Exercise 93: Stress test of PD and Autoregressive Vectors
Exercise 94: Stress Test LGD
Exercise 95: Joint Stress Test of the PD and LGD
Exercise 96: Charge-off model using VAR and VEC
Módulo 32: Stress Testing en portfolios corporate
Temporal horizon
Data required
Main Macroeconomic variables
Impact on P&L, RWA and Capital
ASRF model
Creditmetrics model
Using Transition Matrices
Use of the credit cycle index
Default forecasting
Stress Test Methodology for corporate portfolios
Impact on RWA and Capital
Exercise 97: Stress Testing PD and corporate portfolio transition matrices using transition matrix and ASRF model in SAS, R and Excel
Módulo 33: Stress Testing bajo ECL IFRS 9
Stress testing under IFRS 9 and COVID-19
Pandemic scenarios applied to the ECL calculation
Stress Testing of IFRS 9 parameters
EBA Stress Testing 2023
Treatment of the moratorium
Possible regulatory scenarios
Impact on P&L
PIT starting parameters
PIT projected parameters
Calculation of non-productive assets and impairments
Changes in the stock of provisions
Changes in the stock of provisions for exposures phase S1
Changes in the stock of provisions for exposures phase S2
Changes in the stock of provisions of exposures phase S3
Sovereign Exposure Impairment Losses
Impact on capital
Internal Stress Testing Model for ECL IFRS 9
Stage Migration
Stage Transition Matrix
Stress testing of PDs and credit migrations
Stress testing of exhibitions
Stress testing of recoveries
Exercise 98: Internal global exercise of ECL Stress Testing in R and Excel
Módulo 34: Quantum Computing para el Stress Testing
Quantum economics
Classic Monte Carlo simulation
Quantum Monte Carlo
Coding Monte Carlo problem
Breadth Estimation
Acceleration applying the amplitude estimation algorithm
DGSE model using neural networks
Quantum Monte Carlo Simulation vs Normal Monte Carlo Simulation
Exercise 95: DGSE model using deep learning
Exercise 96: Quantum Monte Carlo Simulation vs. Classical Monte Carlo Simulation ECL in Stress Testing
Aumento significativo del riesgo de crédito
Módulo 35: Significant Increase in Credit Risk SICR
Significant increase in credit risk (SICR)
Impact of COVID-19 on the increase in SICR risk
Recommendations Basel, EBA, ESMA, IFRS
Qualitative and quantitative criteria based on COVID-19
Increase in collective credit risk
Individual IFRS 9 credit risk increase
Phase migration matrices
Roll rate models
Markov model
Impact of COVID-19 on migrations
Estimation of PD Lifetime and PD Origination thresholds
Rating Variation
Determination of thresholds
KRIs for retail, mortgages and corporate
Increase in collective IFRS 9 credit risk
Use of discriminant test
ROC curve
false alarm rate
target hit rate
S2 size
Exercise 97: Estimating SICR credit risk increase using ROC discriminant power test in R and Excel
Módulo 36: Modelos de estimación de las pérdidas crediticias esperadas ECL
Macroeconomic scenarios impacted by COVID-19
Lifetime Loss Forecasting using macroeconomic variables
Global Exercise 98: Estimating Lifetime Expected Credit Losses for a Consumer Credit Portfolio using R, Excel, and VBA.
Definition of macroeconomic scenarios COVID-19
Impact of the scenarios on the estimate for COVID-19
LGD modeling using economic scenarios
CCF modeling using economic scenarios
Abandonment Modeling
Prepayment Modeling
PD PIT modeling with economic scenarios
Lifetime PD Modeling
Estimate of financial income
Cash flow modeling
Estimated survival rate
12-month ECL Expected Loss Estimate
12-month ECL estimate COVID-19 effect
ECL Lifetime Expected Loss Estimate IFRS 9 COVID-19
Stress Testing of credit risk losses
Assignment analysis of the 3 stages
Comparison of ECL Estimates
Interpretation of results in the scorecard
Validación del Expected Credit Loss
Módulo 37: Validación del ECL
Initial validation
Periodic validation
Main milestones of qualitative validation
Data quality
Default Definition
Relevance of the qualification process
Override Analysis
environmental dynamics
user test
Main milestones of quantitative validation
Samples used for validation purposes
Discriminating Power
population stability
Characteristic Stability
concentration analysis
Staging analysis
Parameter Calibration
ECL backtesting
Principle 5 – Validation
Exercise 99: Global Validation of ECL IFRS 9
Módulo 38: Generative AI
Introducing generative AI
What is Generative AI?
Generative AI Models
Generative Pre- trained Transformer (GPT)
Text generation, Image generation, Music generation, Video generation
Generating text
Generating Code
Ability to solve logic problems
Generating Music
Enterprise Use Cases for Generative AI
Overview of Large Language Models (LLMs)
Transformer Architecture
Types of LLMs
Open-Source vs. Commercial LLMs
Key Concepts of LLMs
Model configuration
Prompt Engineering
Model adaptation
Emergent Behavior
Specifying multiple Dataframes to ChatGPT
Debugging ChatGPT’s code
Human errors -
Exercise 100: Embeddings for words, sentences, question answers
Exercise 101: Embedding Visualization
Exercise 102: First let's prepare the data for visualization
Exercise 103: PCA (Principal Component Analysis)
Exercise 104: Embeddings on Large Dataset
Exercise 105: Prompt engineering
Exercise 106: Advanced Prompting Techniques
Exercise 107: Large Language Models (LLMs)
Exercise 108: Modeling Lifetime PD using generative AI
Exercise 109: Using Transformers for forecasting Lifetime PD
Exercise 110: Analysis of ECL results using generative AI
Exercise 111: Applications of autoregresive LLM in ECL IFRS 9