Based Learning in Solvency II
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Start Date:
January 15, 2024
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Videos are available in English, Spanish, Portuguese, and French.

Fermac Risk is pleased to offer subscriptions of Solvency II in English, Spanish, Portuguese, and French.
Solvency II
Solvency II

Solvency II Portugues

Solvency II Ingles

Solvency II Frances

Subscription Benefits
Flexibility: Participants can choose from a wide range of courses and modules, and subscribers can access content at their own pace, view it, and work their own schedule, making learning more convenient and comfortable.
Cost-effective: With a subscription, participants can access a wide range of courses, resources, and tools for a single periodic fee.
Interactive learning: Our subscriptions incorporate interactive elements such as discussion forums, bi-monthly Q&A, personalized sessions, to enhance engagement and facilitate active user learning.
New technologies: Quantum computing, classical AI and generative AI play a crucial role in financial risk management and measurement in banking due to their advanced capabilities of Advanced Optimization, Speed and Efficiency, Improved Accuracy of models, among other benefits.

A Subscription gives you access to:
360 hours of videos.
The Premium plan contains solved exercises in Jupyter Notebooks for Python and R, as well as Excel.
5000 slides in the presentations.
The course provides instructions on how to assess and measure various risks associated with insurance companies, including market, operational, life, and non-life insurance subscription risks, catastrophes, credit, and liquidity. It also covers the requirements of the risk self-assessment known as ORSA (“Own Risk and Solvency Assessment”).
The course focuses on life and non-life insurance underwriting risk, valuation of life and non-life insurance provisions, advanced claims modeling, and biometric risk.
Additionally, the course reviews and compares the directives of standard formulas and internal models to understand their advantages and disadvantages.
360 hours of videos
Example of Quantum Efficient Frontier

Subscription-Based Learning in Solvency II
The Program aims to educate participants on the requirements of the Solvency II Directive, the recent IFRS 17 regulation on insurance contracts, and risk appetite and stress testing methodologies in insurance companies.
The Program also explores the potential of utilizing generative artificial intelligence and quantum computing for modeling economic capital, reserves, premiums, and claims. Additionally, it covers the optimization of portfolios and asset and liability management in insurance companies using these advanced technologies.
Module 1: Probability
Objective: Explain some elementary concepts of the mathematical theory of probability. It exposes which are the probability distributions used in financial and insurance risks and how to estimate parameters. The importance of probability in Solvency II is explained.
Introduction to probability
Combinatorial analysis
Conditional probability and independence
Random variables
Density and distribution functions
Expectation, variance, moments
Probability distributions
Frequency distributions, Poisson, Binomial, Negative Binomial
Loss distributions, lognormal, EVT, gyh, beta, gamma, weibull, etc.
Random Vectors
Distribution fitting and parameter estimation
Use of probability distributions in Solvency II
Exercise 1: Probability distribution fits in R
Module 2: Statistics
Objective: Inferential statistics consists of a set of techniques to obtain, with a certain degree of confidence, information from a population based on information from a sample. Statistics is essential for the construction of models and their validation.
Variables and data types
Descriptive statistics
Inferential statistics
Random samples and statistics
Point estimate
Estimation by intervals
Hypothesis tests
Importance of statistics in Solvency II
Exercise 2: Descriptive statistics in Python of data from an insurance company
Exercise 3: Hypothesis testing in R
Module 3: Finance
Objective: To review the concepts of the value of money over time, financial mathematics, valuation of annuities, bonds, and valuation models Capital Asset Pricing Model and Arbitrage pricing theory. The models are essential for the valuation of assets and liabilities of an insurance company.
Value of money over time
Financial mathematics and annuities
Bond valuation
Duration and convexity
CAPM and APT model
Stochastic processes
Monte Carlo simulation
Exercise 4: Valuation of bonds in Excel
Exercise 5: Estimation of duration and convexity in Excel
Exercise 6: Estimation of the CAPM and APT in Excel
Exercise 7: Monte Carlo Simulation and Stochastic Processes in R
Module 4: Programming in Python
Objective: Explain what the Python programming language is and its functionalities. It explains what Jupyter is and how to install it. Expose basic notions of programming and the libraries that will be used to develop Solvency II models.
Introduction to Python
Environment and library installation
Import and export of data
basic programming
statistical tools
regression libraries
finance bookstores
Machine Learning Libraries
Quantum Libraries
Exercise 8: Programming in Python
Module 5: Programming in R
Objective: Explain what R and Rstudio are and how to install them. Explain basic notions of R programming and the libraries used to develop Solvency II models.
Introduction to R
Environment and library installation
R Studio
Import and export of data
Basic programming
Statistical tools
Regression libraries
Finance bookstores
Actuarial science bookstores
Exercise 9: programming in R
Module 6: Machine Learning
Objective: Automatic machine learning, in English machine learning, essential for systems to be intelligent, allows the development of predictions based on data and improves the projections of traditional models. The use of machine learning and deep learning algorithms is introduced. The benefits of machine learning in risk management for insurance companies are explained.
Introduction Machine Learning
Differences with statistics
Supervised and unsupervised models
decision trees
Support Vector Machine
Assembly Learning
Random Forest
neural networks
Introduction to ensemble models
Introduction to Deep Learning
Exercise 10: Estimation of the Support Vector Machine and Random Forest
Exercise 11: Deep learning algorithm creation
Module 7: Introduction to Financial Risks
Objective: Lay the theoretical foundations on the financial risks that impact insurance companies, explain the types of risks and the sources of such risks. Understand the probability and impact of events that trigger financial risk in insurance companies.
What is risk?
Financial risks in insurance companies
Probability and Impact
Sources of financial risks
Differences between financial and non-financial risks
Market risk
Interest rate risk
Liquidity risk
Credit risk
Operational risk
Module 8: Actuarial Sciences
Objective: Introduction of actuarial sciences for participants without actuarial training. A brief introduction to life and non-life insurance is presented, as well as actuarial mathematics.
What do actuaries do?
Introduction to Life insurance
Introduction to Non-Life insurance
Type of contracts
Introduction to Life Insurance Reserves
Introduction to Non-Life Insurance Reserves
Margin Based Pricing
Introduction to actuarial mathematics
Introduction to Life Insurance
Introduction to Non-Life Insurance
Exercise 12: Modeling the distribution of the severity and frequency of claims in Excel and R
Exercise 14: Simulation of the current values of an Annuity of a life annuity.
Module 9: Quantum computing and algorithms
Objective: Quantum computing applies quantum mechanical phenomena. On a small scale, physical matter exhibits properties of both particles and waves, and quantum computing takes advantage of this behavior using specialized hardware. The basic unit of information in quantum computing is the qubit, similar to the bit in traditional digital electronics. Unlike a classical bit, a qubit can exist in a superposition of its two "basic" states, meaning that it is in both states simultaneously.
Future of quantum computing in insurance
Is it necessary to know quantum mechanics?
QIS Hardware and Apps
quantum operations
Qubit representation
matrix multiplication
Qubit operations
Multiple Quantum Circuits
Deutsch Algorithm
Quantum Fourier transform and search algorithms
Hybrid quantum-classical algorithms
Quantum annealing, simulation and optimization of algorithms
Quantum machine learning algorithms
Exercise 15: Quantum operations
Module 10: Introduction to quantum mechanics
Quantum mechanical theory
wave function
Schrodinger's equation
statistical interpretation
The uncertainty principle
Mathematical Tools of Quantum Mechanics
Hilbert space and wave functions
The linear vector space
Hilbert's space
Dimension and bases of a Vector Space
Integrable square functions: wave functions
Dirac notation
General definitions
hermitian adjunct
projection operators
commutator algebra
Uncertainty relationship between two operators
Operator Functions
Inverse and Unitary Operators
Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of an operator
Infinitesimal and finite unit transformations
Matrices and Wave Mechanics
matrix mechanics
Wave Mechanics
Module 11: Introduction to quantum error correction
Error correction
From reversible classical error correction to simple quantum error correction
The quantum error correction criterion
The distance of a quantum error correction code
Content of the quantum error correction criterion and the quantum Hamming bound criterion
Digitization of quantum noise
Classic linear codes
Calderbank, Shor and Steane codes
Stabilizer Quantum Error Correction Codes
Module 12: Quantum Computing II
quantum programming
Solution Providers
IBM Quantum Qiskit
Amazon Braket
Quantum Development Kit (QDK)
Quantum clouds
Microsoft Quantum
Main Algorithms
Grover's algorithm
Deutsch–Jozsa algorithm
Fourier transform algorithm
Shor's algorithm
Quantum annealers
D-Wave implementation
Qiskit Implementation
Exercise 16: Grover, Fourier Transform and Shor algorithm simulation
Module 14: Quantum Machine Learning
Quantum Machine Learning
hybrid models
Quantum Principal Component Analysis
Q means vs. K means
Variational Quantum Classifiers
Variational quantum classifiers
Quantum Neural Network
Quantum Convolutional Neural Network
Quantum Long Short Memory LSTM
Quantum Support Vector Machine (QSVC)
Exercise 17: Quantum Support Vector Machine
Module 15: Quantum computing in insurance companies
Building Blocks of Payoff Valuation
Distribution Loading
Payoff Implementation
Calculation of the Expected Value
Amplitude Estimation
Amplitude Estimation based on Phase Estimation
Amplitude Estimation without Phase Estimation
Grover's Quantum Search Algorithm
Insurance-related Payoffs
Overall Payoff
Insurance-related Quantum Circuits
Whole life insurance
Dynamic Lapse
Quantum Hardware
royal hardware
Exercise 18: Insurance-related Quantum Circuits
Module 16: Tensor Networks for Machine Learning
What are tensor networks?
Quantum Entanglement
Tensor networks in machine learning
Tensor networks in unsupervised models
Tensor networks in SVM
Tensor networks in NN
NN tensioning
Application of tensor networks in credit scoring models
Exercise 19: Neural Network using Tensor Networks
Module 17: Probabilistic Machine Learning
Gaussian models
Bayesian Statistics
Bayesian logistic regression
Kernel Family
Gaussian processes
Gaussian processes for regression
Hidden Markov Model
Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC)
Metropolis Hastings algorithm
Machine Learning Probabilistic Model
Bayesian Boosting
Bayesian Neural Networks
Exercise 20: Gaussian process for regression
Exercise 21: Bayesian neural networks
Module 18: Generative AI
Generative artificial intelligence is artificial intelligence capable of generating text, images, or other media, using generative models. Generative AI models learn the patterns and structure of their input training data and generate new data that has similar characteristics. Generative AI differs from other types of AI as it is about creating something new that is not modified or copied from its training data. Generative AI is a general-purpose technology used for multiple purposes across many industries. There are many types of multimodal generative AI tasks such as text summarization that produce a shorter version of a piece of text while retaining the main ideas, creating source code from natural language code comments, reasoning through a problem to discover potential new solutions or latent details and assigning a category to a given piece of content such as a document, image, video, or audio clip among other applications.
Introducing generative AI
What is Generative AI?
Generative AI Models
Generative Pre- trained Transformer (GPT)
Llama 2
Text generation
Image generation
Music generation
Video generation
Generating text
Generating Code
Ability to solve logic problems
Generating Music
Enterprise Use Cases for Generative AI
Overview of Large Language Models (LLMs)
Transformer Architecture
Types of LLMs
Open-Source vs. Commercial LLMs
Key Concepts of LLMs
Model configuration
Prompt Engineering
Model adaptation
Emergent Behavior
Specifying multiple Dataframes to ChatGPT
Debugging ChatGPT’s code
Human errors -
Exercise 22: Embeddings for words, sentences, question answers
Exercise 23: Embedding Visualization
Exercise 24: First let's prepare the data for visualization
Exercise 25: PCA (Principal Component Analysis)
Exercise 26: Embeddings on Large Dataset
Exercise 27: Prompt engineering
Exercise 28: Advanced Prompting Techniques
Exercise 29: Large Language Models (LLMs)
Exercise 30: Retrieval Augmented Generation
Exercise 31: Traditional KMeans to LLM powered KMeans
Exercise 32: Cluster Visualization
Exercise 33: Semantic Search
Exercise 34: Tokens and Words
Exercise 35: Tokenization in Programming Languages
Module 1: Solvency II
Objective: Explain how Solvency II reflects the new risk management practices to define the necessary capital and manage financial and insurance risks. Solvency Capital Requirement SCR, Minimum Capital Requirement MCR and the three pillars of Solvency II are explained in detail.
The Solvency II Directive and EIOPA
General structure
Basel II and III experience
Implementation Schedule
Asset Valuation
Technical Provisions
Liability Analysis: Best Estimate and Margin Risk
Own Resources: Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3
MCR-Estimate and Calculation
SCR-Standard Formula
Internal Model Directives
Pillar 1: Own resources for solvency
Solvency Capital Requirement (SCR)
Standard Approach
Internal Model
Technological aspects and implementation
Minimum Capital Requirement (MCR)
Pillar 2 Supervision Process and Own Risk and Solvency Assessment (ORSA)
ORSA definition and scope
The ORSA role
Pillar 3 Transparency Requirements
Financial Condition Report
Solvency II Directive
Residual Margin
Risk Margin
Best Estimate
Module 2: Standard Formula Methodology
Objective: Explain the formulas of the standard approach for the estimation of the SCR and MCR. Understand the risks of insurance companies. Explain in detail the mathematical formulas and possible expected values.
Technical specifications for the preparatory phase part 1
Dependency Structure
Risk mitigation techniques
Market risk
Interest rate risk
Equity risk
real estate risk
Spread Risk
Concentration Risk
liquidity risk
Credit risk
Counterparty risk
LGD and PD calculation
Operational risk
Standard Formula
Underwriting risk: Non-life
Reserve Risk
Premium Risk
catastrophic risk
Underwriting Risk: Life
Mortality Risk
Longevity Risk
Morbidity Risk
Disability Risk
Portfolio Fall Risk
Expense Risk
Revision risk
Technical Health Risk
Technical specifications for the preparatory phase part 2
Determination of the risk-free interest rate
Exercise 1: Estimation of SCR Mkt of interest rate and Mkt Spread in a bond portfolio and SCR Mkt of equities in a stock portfolio.
Module 3: Approval of Internal Models
Objective: Define what internal models are and explain the guidelines on the use of internal models that insurance companies must take into account so that the supervisory authorities approve and continue to allow the use of internal models to calculate solvency capital.
Evaluation and right to withdraw the application
Decision on the application: Terms and conditions
Module 4: Own Risk and Solvency Assessment (ORSA)
Objective: ORSA is the acronym for Own Risk and Solvency Assessment and explains the set of processes used to assess risks according to capital needs. The management framework, the ORSA process and the ORSA reports are explained in detail.
ORSA Scope
Regulatory context:
management framework
ORSA process
ORSA report
Government system
Entity risk
Stress test and scenario analysis
Capital requirements and solvency assessment
Business plan and capital planning
Term Structure of Interest Rates
Module 5: Modeling of interest rate term structure (ETTI)
Objective: The relevance of adequately modeling the term structure of the interest rate or yield curve is crucial for the adequate valuation of the liabilities of the insurance company. It explains how to build the curve, the role of stochastic models and extrapolation methodologies among many other topics.
Yield Curve Concept
nelson siegel
Yield curve smoothing and term structure models
Interpolation Methods: Cubic Splines
Extrapolation Methods: Wilson-Smith
stochastic modeling
Cox–Ingersoll–Ross model
Heath–Jarrow–Morton model
Selecting objective variables
Principal component analysis
Selection of scenarios
Vacicek's model
Vacicek interest rate model
Libor Market Model
Interest rate curve in EIOPA
basic curve
Last Liquid point
volatility adjustment
Flow matching adjustment
Implementation of extrapolation
Exercise 2: Principal Components Exercise in python
Exercise 3: Estimating Nelson Siegel parameters in python
Exercise 4: Interpolation in Excel
Exercise 5: CIR simulation calculator and Vasicek python
Exercise 6: Caplet and Swaption using Libor Market Model in Excel and VBA
Exercise 7: Wilson-Smith extrapolation method in Excel and R
Module 6: International Financial Reporting Standard IFRS 17 and IFRS 4
Objective: The IFRS 17 standard profoundly changes the approach to accounting for insurance, moving from a traditional scheme, based on historical values, to an approach closer to the "economic value" of the contracts. The methodologies and measurements of the insurance contract are explained.
IFRS 4 valuation of insurance contract liability
Objective and scope
Current exit value
Projection of estimated future flows
Liability-adjusted market rate
risk margin
Current value approach
IFRS 17: Insurance Contract
Objective and scope
Typology of insurance contracts
Disaggregation and classification of IFRS 9 contracts
Differences with IFRS 4
Implementation dates
IFRS 17 enhancements to current accounting practices
Implementation costs
Information on profitability
Estimation of the present value of future cash flows
risk adjustment
Contractual service margin
Difference in income statement with IFRS 17
Methodologies and measurement of insurance contracts
Building Block Approach (BBA)
Variable Fee Approach (VFA)
Premium Allocation Approach (PAA)
IFRS 17 and Solvency II
Exercise 8: Impact of economic scenarios on the balance sheet, income statement and future cash flows by valuation of life insurance contracts, under the IFRS 17 approach, including risk adjustment and contractual service margin in Excel and R.
Module 7: Valuation of Life Insurance provisions
Objective: The Guidelines on the valuation of Life insurance technical provisions are shown to increase the coherence and convergence of the professional practice of all types and sizes of insurance companies. Fermac Risk shows the European experience of this practice.
Deterministic Life Insurance Models
Deterministic portfolio valuation
Stochastic portfolio valuation
Technical Life Risk
Protection against technical risk of life with options
Contracts with PB
Contracts without PB
unit link
Variable Annuities
Dynamic Fall Model (Lapse rate)
Rescue Options
Profit Sharing Option
Exercise 9: Life Insurance Portfolio Valuation Tool, includes:
Vasicek interest rate simulation
Stochastic Mortality Risk Simulation
Lapse rate modeling
Options using black sholes model.
Exercise 10: Variable Annuities using Black Sholes model
Exercise 11: Generative AI in Valuation of Life Insurance provisions
Module 8: Valuation of Non-Life Insurance provisions
Objective: The Guidelines on the valuation of Non-Life insurance technical provisions are shown to increase the coherence and convergence of the professional practice of all types and sizes of insurance companies. Some traditional and modern techniques for calculating the reserve are explained.
The technical provision for benefits. Regulations in Solvency 2
Aggregate Claims Modeling
Frequency Distributions
Distributions of the claim amount
Analytical methods
Monte Carlo Simulation
Triangle-based methods for calculating Loss Reserving Provisions
Grossing up
link ratio
Chain Ladder
Bornhuetter Ferguson
Stochastic methods for calculating the Provision for benefits.
Mack's method
Bootstapp Method
Machine Learning in Non-Life Insurance
Claims reserving based on Bayesian neural networks
Chain Ladder Neural Network
Exercise 12: Fit frequency using negative binomial and Poisson
Exercise 14: Claims amount adjustment using lognormal, gamma, weibull, exponential and G-H in python and R
Exercise 15: Estimation of accident rate distribution with Monte Carlo simulation in R
Exercise 16: Chain-Ladder Neural Network
Exercise 17: Estimating provisions using the Run Off Chain Ladder
Exercise 18: Estimating provisions using Bootstrap in R
Exercise 19: Generative AI in Valuation of Non-Life Insurance provisions
Module 9: Value at Risk (VaR) and Expected Shorfall in life and non-life lines
Objective: Explain the concept of the Value at Risk VaR and the Expected Shortfall in the life and non-life branches. The treatment of returns and volatility using GARCH models is explained.
Introduction to VAR
VAR in life insurance
VAR in the non-life business
Volatility Estimation
GARCH Multivariate
Volatility Forecasting
Parametric Models
Normal VaR
t-student distribution
lognormal distribution
Linear Model for Stocks and Bonds
Quadratic model for options
VaR extensions
Expected Shortfall or Tail VaR
Conditional VaR
Cash flow mapping
Exercise 20: Simulation and forecasting volatility using GARCH(1,1) and multivariate model in R
Exercise 21: estimation of the internal model of VaR and Expected Shortfall in life and non-life insurance
Module 10: Parametric VaR with Extreme Value Theory
Objective: Explain the theory of extreme value to apply it to internal models. This distribution allows estimating the probability of truly extreme events. The pros and cons of these distributions in insurance practice are explained.
EVT Extreme Value Distributions
Generalized Pareto distributions
Threshold estimate
Model Selection
Hill and Mean Excess Plot
Generation of random EVT values
EVT estimation under Bayesian approach
Disadvantages of EVT
Exercise 22: Estimation of Graphs: Mean Excess, Q-Q and Hill plot in R
Exercise 23: Maximum likelihood parameter estimation of GDP in SAS and R
Exercise 24: VaR estimation by EVT in R
Exercise 25: Quantum VaR estimation
Module 11: Historical Simulation and Monte Carlo
Objective: VaR is explained by Monte Carlo simulation applied to insurance companies. Being the best methodology to estimate the VaR in a time horizon of one year.
VaR Historical Simulation
Adjust for volatility
VaR Monte Carlo simulation
Simulation with a risk factor
Simulation with multiple risk factors
Variance Reduction Methods
Normal Multivariate Distribution and T-Student
VaR Monte Carlo based on Gaussian copula and t-student copula
Exercise 23: VaR estimation: using Monte Carlo Simulation and Historical Simulation in Excel and R
Exercise 24: Historical Simulation Backtesting
Exercise 25: VaR using Gaussian copula and tStudent in SAS and R
Module 11: Market Risk
Objective: Good market risk practices for insurance companies are explained. The results of the SCR under the standard formula are compared against the internal models.
Standard Formula on Market Risk
Sub-modules in market risk
Interest rate risk
Equity risk
real estate risk
Spread Risk
Concentration Risk
liquidity risk
SCR VaR 99.5%
Internal and partial models
Internal Market Risk Model
VaR for interest rate risk
Stochastic Process Selection
VaR using stochastic process of an asset
Simulation with principal components
Scenario Simulation
VaR for interest rate risk with principal components
Spread VaR
exchange rate VaR
Equity VaR
Concentration and correlation risk modeling
VaR of Options
Delta Normal VaR
Delta Gamma VaR
Monte Carlo simulation
Boundary Structure
Exercise 26: Estimating the VaR of options with Monte Carlo simulation in Excel and R
Exercise 27: Cash Flow mapping and VaR estimation of a bond portfolio
Exercise 28: VaR estimation of non-life and life risk
Module 12: Stress Testing and Backtesting
Objective: Stress testing is one of the best tools for managing market risk. Consider exceptional but plausible events. Insurance companies will also need to validate internal models with backtesting.
Stress Testing Approaches
Historical Stress Testing
Reverse Stress Test
Stress testing in correlation
Stress testing on volatility
Multivariate stress testing
Kupiec`s Test
Frequency Conditional Coverage
Analysis of losses in the tail of the distribution
Clean and dirty backtesting
Exercise 29: Stress testing on a correlation matrix in Excel
Exercise 30: Backtesting of VaR in Excel
Module 15: Credit Risk Structural and Reduced Form Models
Objective: Structural credit risk models require financial information from the company and have proven to be efficient during the pandemic. These models help measure the credit risk of fixed income investments, particularly bonds.
Structural Models
Merton's model
KMV model
reduced form models
Jarrow-Turnbull Model
Duffie and Singleton Model
Neutral default probabilities
Conversion of default currents into discrete PDs
Adjustment of reduced form models to historical databases
Construction of default probability curves
Validation with Falkenstein and Boral Test
Jump to default
zero coupon bonds
voucher with coupons
convertible bonds
CDS Valuation
Exercise 31: Structural model in R and Excel
Exercise 32: Construction of default probability and hazard rate curves in Excel and SAS
Exercise 33: Bonus and CDS valuation in Excel with VB
Exercise 34: Internal model of market and credit risk
CIR simulation of fixed and variable income interest rates
Jarrow-Turnbull-Lando model for credit risk with transition matrices.
Comparison against standard formulas.
Module 14: Credit Risk Portfolio Models
Objective: It explains how to model the credit risk of investment portfolios of bonds, loans and credit derivatives. The credit risk of reinsurers is explained. The creditmetrics and Creditrisk+ approaches to economic capital estimation are shown.
Rating Models
PD and LGD estimation
default correlation
asset mapping
Economic Capital Models
Credit risk +
One-factor model
Reduced Form Models
Counterparty Risk
Reinsurance Counterparty Default Risk
Credit Risk in Reinsurance portfolio approach
Concentration Risk
Credit Risk in the Credit Insurance portfolio approach
Exercises 35: Economic capital with a unifactorial model using Monte Carlo Simulation in Excel and SAS.
Exercise 36: Economic capital: CreditRisk+ in SAS
Exercise 37: Economic capital: Creditmetrics in Excel
Exercise 38: Economic Capital of the bond portfolio
Module 15: Non-Life Underwriting Risk
Objective: This risk is divided into three large blocks, the risk for premiums: it refers to future claims that may arise during and after the period for which the solvency calculation is made, that is, that the expenses plus the losses due claims are greater than the premiums received. The risk due to reserves due to two causes, the miscalculation of provisions and fluctuations in the actual number of claims around the midpoint. The third is catastrophic risk.
Analysis Standard Formulas
Underwriting risk: Non-life
Reserve Risk
Premium Risk
catastrophic risk
Health underwriting risk
Non-Catastrophic Risk
Internal models Premium Risk
Internal model Reserve Risk
catastrophe risk
Internal model using Monte Carlo Simulation
Internal model using Multiyear approach
VaR estimate 99.5%
Catastrophic Risk Modeling
Frequency and Severity
catastrophe science
Hurricanes: Frequency, Regions
Hurricane Modeling
Earthquakes, frequency and severity
Quantum computing to estimate insurance capital
Fundamentals and Notations of Quantum Mechanics
Classical surplus process with quantum mechanics
Quantum algorithm to predict the insurance capital
premium gate
Claim Gate
The expected reserve in an insurance company
Exercise 39: VaR for Premium risk in Excel and Python
Exercise 40: VaR for Reserve risk in R
Exercise 41: Internal non-life underwriting risk model and comparison against standard formulas in SAS and R
Exercise 42: Quantum computing to estimate capital
Module 16: Life Underwriting Risk
Objective: This risk is divided into Biometric Risk (mortality, longevity, disability/illness), Portfolio Fall Risk, Expense Risk, Revision Risk, and Catastrophe Risk. A comparison of results between the SCR by standard formula and internal models is shown. Traditional mortality models and others with advanced machine learning techniques are explained.
Biometric Risk
Mortality Risk
Longevity Risk
Morbidity Risk
Portfolio drop risk
Expense risk
Revision risk
Catastrophic risk and pandemics
Actuarial models for pricing
Behavioral Risks
Dynamic Mortality Tables
Mortality models
Model Lee Carter
Singular Value Decomposition
Stochastic Mortality Model
Longevity Risk
improvement factors
longevity index
Mortality Risk Models using Machine Learning
Continuous Models:
Cox-Net, Cox Tree, Cox XGBoost, Survival Tree, Random Survival Forest
Discrete Models:
Random Forest, LightGBM, XGBoost Logistic, GAM CatBoost
Analytical Survival Distributions
Internal Risk Model Life Insurance
Risk management
Behavioral risk analysis
Insured Linked Securities
Exercise 43: Stochastic Mortality Shock Model in SAS
Exercise 44: Lee Carter, Makeham and Logit model in SAS
Exercise 45: Internal Model Life Insurance Risk
Monte Carlo simulation
Lee Carter model
Model and simulation of interest rate term structure
Copulas in Excel and R
Exercise 46: Discrete and Discrete Mortality Models: Cox XGBoost, Survival Tree, Random Survival Forest, and LightGBM
Module 17: Operational Risk
Objective: Explain both the advanced management of operational risk in insurance companies and an introduction to the measurement of this risk to obtain a distribution of losses.
Introduction Operational Risk
Loss Event Management
Risk Control Self Assessment
Scenario Based Assessment
Key Risk Indicators
Capital estimation LDA approach
Exercise 47: Estimation of Economic Capital of 5 business units, aggregated and individual, using the following Frequency and Severity distributions:
Negative Binomial
Inverse Gaussian
G-H 4 parameters
Mixture of Lognormals
Alpha Stable
Poisson-Gamma Bayesian approach
Lognormal partition and GDP
Scenarios with Expert criteria
Exercise 48: Selection of the best distribution using goodness-of-fit tests in Excel
Exercise 49: Estimation of economic capital with truncated data
Exercise 50: Internal model using Monte Carlo Simulation with effect of deductible / insurance excess in R
Exercise 51: Internal model with Monte Carlo Simulation with frequency distribution with Gaussian copulas in R
Exercise 52: Internal model with Monte Carlo Simulation of aggregate osses of business units with t and frank copulas in R
Exercise 53: Comparison of internal models with Recursive Panjer, Fast Fourier Transformation and Monte Carlo Simulation in R and Excel
Module 18: Insured Linked Securities (ILS)
Purpose: ILS are defined, broadly, as financial instruments whose values are driven by insurance loss events. The instruments are linked to catastrophes, mortality and longevity. They help the transfer and mitigation of risk as well as the diversification of capital.
Definition Insurance-Linked Securities
derivatives market
Derivatives and bonds linked to Property and Casualty risk
Weather Derivatives
Catastrophe Bonds
Catastrophe Derivatives
Derivatives and bonds linked to longevity and mortality risk
Longevity Swaps
Longevity Bonds
Risk management in ILS portfolios
Exercise 54: Valuation Longevity Swap in Excel
Exercise 55: Valuation derived from Climate in Excel
Module 21: Validation of Internal Models I
Objective: The validation process of internal models is explained, the most common techniques such as backtesting. The appropriate reporting to validate models is explained in general terms.
validation process
modeling process
modeling tools
Backtesting Analysis
Stress Testing
Results stability
Model limitation
Scoring model
Module 19: Validation of Internal Models II
Objective: The validation of detailed internal models for each type of risk is explained. Advanced SCR validation techniques calculated by internal models are explained.
Validation of Internal Models
Market risk
Credit risk
Operational risk
Underwriting risk: Non-life
Underwriting Risk: Life
Validation of:
Model Design
Model Output
Processes, data and test of use
Kupiec`s Test for market risk
Loss aggregation validation
Testing distributions using Berkowitz test
loss distribution
Simulation of the critical chi-square value
Berkowitz test in subportfolios
power assessment
Scope and limits of the test
Model risk due to uncertainty
Exercise 56: implementation of the Berkowitz test in internal credit models
Exercise 57: Simulation of losses and model risk in non-life underwriting risk
Module 20: Quantum Portfolio Management
Portfolio diversification
Allocation of financial assets in insurance companies
Financial risk tolerance
Asset Portfolio Optimization
efficient frontier
Financial portfolio simulation
Financial portfolio simulation techniques
Portfolio Management using Reinforcement Learning
Portfolio Management using quantum algorithms
Exercise 58: Portfolio optimization using quantum algorithms
Module 21: Asset and Liability Management
Objective: The management of assets and liabilities is becoming more important for insurance companies every day due to the pandemic. Optimization models are explained, from the well-known cash flow matching, to advanced models of stochastic programming of assets and liabilities. Liquidity risk is explained.
Tools to manage assets and liabilities
Duration Gap analysis
Interest rate risk
Liquidity risk
Cash Flow Testing
Cash Flow Matching
Optimization of assets and liabilities
Dynamic Financial Analysis
Stochastic and dynamic scenario trees in assets and liabilities
dynamic programming
Stochastic dynamic programming
Maximization of the financial margin and economic value
Application of recent economic and financial theories
Conditioning factors of liquidity, capital and Solvency 2
Stress Testing Scenarios
International financial reporting regulations and Solvency II
Sensitivities in IFRS 4 Financial Statements
Life and Non-Life Insurance Risk
Financial Risks
Exercise 59: Optimization of Cash Flow Matching in Excel with Solver
Exercise 60: Portfolio optimization using stochastic dynamic programming in SAS
Exercise 61: Impact on financial statements due to changes in insurance and financial risk sensitivities in Excel
Exercise 62: Using Generative AI in ALM
Module 22: Quantum ALM
ALM Quantum Approach
Quantitative Methods in ALM
Bailey and Redington approach
Operations Research Techniques
classic optimization
Quantum Computing in Asset–Liability Management
Quadratic Unconstrained Binary Optimization (QUBO)
Number of Qubits
Exercise 45: Optimization of assets and liabilities using quantum algorithms
Module 23: Scenario Analysis
Objective: Explains how to build risk scenarios. Activity that is becoming more pressing by the day due to the pandemic and its serious implications for the economy.
Definition of the scenarios
Using the scenarios
scenario identification
Scenario typology
Scenario-based risk assessment
Scenario Analysis Process
Governance in the scenarios
Definition of risk appetite
Scenario evaluation
Economic Scenario Generator (ESG)
Exercise 63: Economic Scenario Generator in Excel
Module 24: Forecasting Models
Objective: In order to project scenarios for the future, it is necessary to have traditional tools such as VAR and ARIMA models and other more sophisticated and precise ones such as machine learning.
Data processing
Non-Stationary Series
Dickey-Fuller test
Cointegration Tests
Econometric Models
ARIMA models
VAR Autoregressive Vector Models
GARCH models
Machine Learning Models
Supported Vector Machine
LSTM Recurrent Neural Network
Bayesian Neural Network LSTM
Quantum LSTM
Review of assumptions of econometric models
stationary series
serial correlation
Collinearity detection
Exercise 64: Tests of non-stationary series and cointegration
Exercise 65: VAR models in R
Exercise 66: Forecasting Machine Learning SPV and NN in R
Exercise 67: Forecasting LSTM
Exercise 68: Forecasting Bayesian LSTM
Exercise 69: Forecasting with Transformers of Generative AI
Module 25: Stress Testing for Insurance companies
Objective: Stress testing consists of generating for each scenario shocks to parameters such as the mortality rate, share price, interest rates, etc., and measuring the impact they would have on capital. ORSA's role in this matter is explained. And a global stress testing exercise for an insurance company is shown.
Stress testing aligned with ORSA
Stress testing analysis 2011, 2014 and 2016 in EIOPA
Quantitative and qualitative aspects of stress testing
Stress testing scenarios
Interest rate risk
Low long-term interest rate
double hit
Credit Spread Risk
Non-life insurance risk
Reinsurers Credit Risk
Catastrophe Risk
life insurance risk
Mortality Events
Longevity improvements
Liquidity risk
Impact on assets and liabilities
Impact on SCR and MCR
Correlations and copulas to model dependency
Stress Testing as a decision-making tool
Global Exercise 70: Stress Testing in SAS, R, Excel with VBA and Gephi, includes:
Risk Appetite and Business Plan
Forecasting of the Income Statement and Balance Sheet
capital planning
Application of Scenarios and External Shocks
Network analysis of main macroeconomic variables
Impact on assets and liabilities
Impact on SCR and MCR
Using Generative AI in stress testing
€ 500 / Monthly
Online Program Videos
Module 1: Probability
Module 2: Statistics
Module 3: Finance
Module 4: Programming in Python
Module 5: Programming in R
Module 6: Machine Learning
Module 7: Introduction to Financial Risks
Module 8: Actuarial Sciences
Module 9: Quantum computing and algorithms
Module 10: Introduction to Quantum Mechanics
Module 11: Introduction to quantum error correction
Module 12: Quantum Computing II
Module 14: Quantum Machine Learning
Module 15: Quantum computing in insurance companies
Module 16: Tensor Networks for Machine Learning
Module 17: Probabilistic Machine Learning
Module 18: Generative AI
Module 1: Solvency II
Module 2: Standard Formula Methodology
Module 3: Approval of Internal Models
Module 4: Own Risk and Solvency Assessment (ORSA)
Module 5: Modeling of interest rate term structure (ETTI)
Module 6: International Financial Reporting Standard IFRS 17 and IFRS 4
Module 7: Valuation of Life Insurance provisions
Module 8: Valuation of Non-Life Insurance provisions
Module 9: Value at Risk (VaR) and Expected Shorfall in life and non-life lines
Module 10: Parametric VaR with Extreme Value Theory
Module 11: Historical Simulation and Monte Carlo
Module 11: Market Risk
Module 12: Stress Testing and Backtesting
Module 15: Credit Risk Structural and Reduced Form Models
Module 14: Credit Risk Portfolio Models
Module 15: Non-Life Underwriting Risk
Module 16: Life Underwriting Risk
Module 17: Operational Risk
Module 18: Insured Linked Securities (ILS)
Module 21: Validation of Internal Models I
Module 19: Validation of Internal Models II
Module 20: Quantum Portfolio Management
Module 21: Asset and Liability Management
Module 22: Quantum ALM
Module 23: Scenario Analysis
Module 24: Forecasting Models
Module 25: Stress Testing for Insurance companies
Number of Hours
360 Hours
- Videos in English, Spanish, French and Portuguese
PDF Presentations
Solved Exercises in Jupyter Notebook, Python, R and Excel
- Individual tutoring or coaching sessions (3 hours monthly sessions).
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